AEW Dynamite Results 9/11/24

The fallout from All Out begins… now!

  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Number One Contender’s Casino Gauntlet
  • Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator: Mariah May (c) vs. Queen Aminata
  • AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry (c)vs. Lio Rush

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 9/11/24

A recap of the attack on Danielson from Jon Moxley and company is shown. Moxley says they tried it Danielson’s way, but it didn’t work, and it’s clear Moxley is the King of the Land.

Live from the UW Panther Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Tony Schiavone welcomes The Patriarchy. Word on the street is, Christian Cage has infinite aura. Christian finally saw what he was waiting for in Killswitch, and he belongs to Christian. Christian says he will beat Danielson so bad he will wish Brie has CTE. Woof. Christian says he’s the reigning, defending, undisputed… next AEW World Champion.

Renee is in the back with Don Callis, the family, and Will Ospreay. Callis has the idea that Ospreay should join Flecher in the tag Casino Gauntlet tonight. Callis reminds Ospreay that he owes him a favor. Fletcher pleads with Ospreay, and Ospreay can’t say no. They’re in.

Match #1. AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry (c) vs. Lio Rush w/ Action Andretti

Fight spills to the outside early as Rush escapes a draping apron DDT, only to get snake eyes’d on the apron instead. Perry in control now as we go to a commercial. Perry takes a cheap shot at Andretti, and Andretti retaliates, getting ejected by the referee. Rush uses his speed, sending Perry to the floor and following up with a series of suicide dives. Rush looks for Rush Hour but Perry moves, however Rio connects with a Spanish Fly instead. Two count. Lio catches a charging Rush and lawn darts him into the middle turnbuckle for two. Dragon suplex by Perry, who’s mocking Kenny Omega. A second snap dragon. Rush fights his way out of a third snap dragon and hits a Poisonrana. Regal knee by Perry out of nowhere. A second one will get it done.

Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Jack Perry

Rating: **1/2. Short and sweet, reminding us why Jack Perry is the TNT Champion.

Alex Marvez is in the back with Jack Perry. Perry says people like his are crucified in this life, so they can be worshipped in the next. Perry hops in the Scapegoat bus and drives off.

Renee is here with Hangman Page. Page says if he found a thousand houses that Swerve called home, he’d have burned every one of them. Page meant every word, every bruise, every piece of flesh, and every drop of blood. If you stood between Page and Swerve, he will find you, and hurt you. Hangman shoves a few security guards to the ground and runs into Dark Order, who say they don’t even know who he is anymore. Here’s Jeff Jarrett, trying to talk some sense into Hangman. Hangman sucker punches Jarrett and tosses him into some chairs, as Hangman storms off.

Private Party and Komander hit the ring, but…

Jon Moxley, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Pac attack everyone. Shafir puts Komander to sleep with a choke while everyone else gets dismantled. Pac says enough is enough and this company is broken. Pac says he’s a product of the environment, and he’s been lost for very long, but now he’s got a purpose. Diplomacy has failed, and this company is theirs.

Match #2. Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara

Back handspring into a tieres and a dropkick to send Sammy to the outside. Corkscrew plancha by Ricochet! The fight heads up the ramp as Ricochet delivers some European uppercuts. Sammy throws Ricochet into the landing and superkicks him. Sammy climbs up the top of the tunnel and moonsaults off! Both guys finally make it back to the ring as Sammy comes back with a superkick and a brainbuster for two. Sammy throws Ricochet outside, and tries a tornillo of his own… and lands it. Sammy thinks powerbomb on the ramp but Ricochet back body drops him. Ricochet tells the fans to move and Ricochet comes off the guardrail with a running double jump senton! Springboard clothesline by Ricochet and a running Shooting Star Press gets two! Roundhouse kicks by Ricochet and a kick to the midsection. Sammy tries a leapfrog but Ricochet catches him in a fireman’s carry, but Sammy counters into a destroyer! Diving cutter off the top by Sammy! Two count. Crowd is on fire now for this one. Sammy misses a Shooting Star Press from the top but catches Ricochet rolling into a high knee! GTH by Sammy is blocked and Ricochet hits a knee of his own. Superkick to the face and an axe kick by Ricochet. Big Vertigo and this one is over!

Winner: Ricochet

Rating: ***1/2. After the commercial, this match ruled. Ricochet feels like a big star in AEW already, and Sammy did right by him here.

The Beast Mortos is here and tears Ricochet in half with a spear! Sammy makes the save with a chair, before extending the hand to Ricochet as both guys embrace.

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