Satisfactory tips: How to make your factory way better than satisfactory

I’m going to open this article with a controversial tip: Don’t play Satisfactory unless you have a surplus of free time, because it could plausibly derail your life. I mean it! One minute you think you’ll build some fun assembly lines, the next you’re 100 hours in thinking about erasing the last dozen hours of progress so you can add, like, one more notch of space between each building just to make your masterwork 5% more aesthetically pleasing. It’s a curse!

Okay, that’s out of the wayβ€”if you’re still here, you should absolutely play Satisfactory. As we said in our 90% review, it’s “the new titan in building and crafting games,” a mix of light survival with an incredibly powerful building toolset that rewards creativity just as much as math and optimization. There’s satisfaction to be found for every type of builder, and you shouldn’t be discouraged by any imposing, monolithic factories you see YouTubers or Reddit posters with 2,000 hours in the game showing off. You can build something you’ll be incredibly proud of in Satisfactory even if you’re not on that level (but play long enough, and I bet you’ll create something a lot more impressive than you ever thought you could).Β 

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