Last chance to register for today’s free Game Economy Design MasterClass webinar

Last chance to register for today’s free Game Economy Design MasterClass webinar

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In just a few short hours, we’ll be hosting the latest MasterClass webinar on Game Economy Design – and there’s still time to grab your free ticket!

The event kicks off at 4pm BST today. Attendees will learn how to build sustainable long-term engagement into your game, with the aim to give you the skills required to balance your game economy in a manner that ensures both player commitment and satisfaction, as well as clarity and efficiency in terms of approach and implementation.

Topics covered include:

Progression and power curves: Find out how to use ‘system thinking’ to evolve players from their first time user experience to a sustainable long-term engagement without falling prey to the dangers of Power Creep.

Sinks and sources: Learn how to model the ‘sinks and sources’ of different currencies and resources to ensure balance between progression and grind.

Resources, anchors and ratchets: Discover tools which can help make the allocation of rewards more effective and avoid overly complicating the analysis of your game economy.

Target audience: We recommend that attendees have some understanding of the business of games and product lifecycle. The class is intended for game designers and commercial management who want to understand the best strategies to develop sustainable game experiences.

The webinar will be hosted Fundamentally Games CEO Oscar Clark. Since working as the home architect for PlayStation Home, Oscar literally wrote the book Games As A Service, published in 2014.

Sound interesting? Grab your free ticket here and join the webinar today.

If you’re interested in exploring the topic even further, you can grab a ticket for the Game Economy Design online workshop, which takes place on Wednesday, September 18th, right here.

The Summer 2024 Programme

The Game Economy Design webinar and workshop are the last in our current Summer 2024 MasterClass programme.

Miss the free webinars? You can watch the Game Monetisation Design MasterClass right here.

You can also check out the Game Design for Engagement and Retention MasterClass here.

Special offer: Save 10%

We’re offering a very special 10% discount on the price of every workshop ticket to our email newsletter subscribers. Simply sign up today to qualify for your 10% and you could save up to £60!

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