Dragon Pokémon weakness, resistance, and strength

What is the dragon Pokémon weakness? If you don’t know the answer, that’s okay, the dragon Pokémon weakness is one of the more tricky to learn. Nonetheless, To make the most out of Pokémon such as Garchomp, Dragonite, Rayquaza, and Salamence, you need to understand what the dragon-type weakness is. This also happens to be great information to know should you find yourself in a battle against a dragon-type.

Oh, if you need help deciding which ‘mon from the Pokédex deserves to be on your team, our dragon Pokémon guide can help you out. We also have steel Pokémon, psychic Pokémon, ghost Pokémon, ghost Pokémon, normal Pokémon, and dark Pokémon articles so you can fill out the spots on your squad with confidence.

Here’s what you need to know about dragon Pokémon weakness.

Dragon Pokémon weakness, resistance, and strength

What are dragon Pokémon weaknesses?

Dragons are exceedingly weak against the dragon- and ice-types. If you put two dragons against each other it becomes a question of speed, whereas if you put one against an ice Pokémon or a fairy-type, the dragon doesn’t stand a chance.

If you want to learn what the ice Pokémon weakness and fairy Pokémon weakness is, make sure you check out our guide. We even tell you what the strengths and weaknesses are so you can get the most out of Pokémon such as Beartic and Abomasnow.

Dragon Pokémon counters

It goes without saying that every dragon Pokémon is super effective against other dragons, but we do have some suggestions regarding the ice Pokémon – Cloyster, Lapras, Eiscue, etc. – from each generation.

All of the above suggestions fall under the ice-type, though fairy-types are just as good, and none of our suggestions are part dragon, meaning dragon-type moves won’t harm your Pokémon, though you need to consider that some dragons, like Garchomp, are dual-types.

Dragon Pokemon weakness - Haxorus in front of the dragon type icon in front of a map of Unova

What are dragon Pokémon resistances?

Dragon-types are resistant to Grass, water, electric, and fire-types, so should you need a ‘mon to take one for the team and have a pretty good chance of winning, consider a dragon against those four types.

If you want to understand these four types better, you might want to read our fire Pokémon weakness, grass Pokémon weakness, electric Pokémon weakness, and water Pokémon weakness guides.

What are dragon Pokémon strengths?

The only type that dragons are super-effective against are their own kind, so should a Dragonite come across a Garchomp, the match is bound to finish quickly, and who wins is likely to come down to who throws the first punch.

With that in mind, taking a look at the speed stat for different dragons may help to determine which one you want on your team. Dragonite, for instance, is the fastest with a speed stat of 142, though Mega Sceptile does just about take it at 145. Still, in terms of an ordinary dragon, the pseudo-legendary Dragonite is a fine choice.

Well, there you have it. You finally know what the dragon Pokémon weakness is. To discover the secret of how to beat other types, make sure you read our ghost Pokémon weakness, psychic Pokémon weakness, steel Pokémon weakness, poison Pokémon weakness, normal Pokémon weakness, electric Pokémon weakness, and dark Pokémon weakness guides.

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