Amazon Games CEO says they plan to develop for Switch successor

We still don’t know when we’ll get a look at Nintendo’s next console, or what it will be like, but we do have publishers and developers ready to throw their hats in the ring whenever that day comes. That includes Amazon Games, who has not published anything on Nintendo hardware as of yet. According to CEO Christoph Hartmann, that could change in the future.

Speaking to IGN, Hartmann had the following to say about the successor to the Nintendo Switch:

“Yeah, we obviously plan to develop games for it and I can’t wait for it to be out. I mean, honestly, I’d rather have them wait a year and get it perfect than rush it to the market and then we all complain about what doesn’t work. Switch has been such a fantastic product, I can wait another year if I have to. And from development, I think most non-Nintendo developers are not exclusively doing titles for the Switch. They’re always part of a portfolio mix of platform mix. Just wait.”

[Christoph Hartmann, IGN]

Hartmann’s statement probably implies that they believe the next Nintendo console will be more powerful than the current Switch if they’re thinking of bringing their more hardware intensive games to it. Could we see ports of previous titles on there in addition to brand new ones? As he says in the above quote, for now we can “just wait”.

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