Peter Molyneux Is Back With A PC And Console Title, Masters Of Albion

Peter Molyneux Is Back With A PC And Console Title, Masters Of Albion

The last time we heard the name Peter Molyneux, it was in relation to an NFT game that didn’t exactly land in the way Molyneux had promised it would, and despite that it managed to scrounge together $54 million from players investing in it hoping to make that money back ten-fold.

Now however it looks like Molyneux is back, not with an NFT game this time. Instead, he has “come home” to PC and consoles, with his new game that he says is “self-funded” called Masters Of Albion.

Self-funded hasn’t meant he did it all himself though, as he brought together a team of 20 developers, many of whom he’s worked with before like Mark Healey who previously worked with Molyneux on Fable, though PlayStation players might remember Healey as former head of Media Molecule.

As for what Masters Of Albion is, it’s another take on a god game, this time with an open world spin. We don’t yet have a release date for the game, but we do have this trailer that premiered during Gamescom ONL 2024.

You can check out the new trailer, and Molyneux speaking about the game just ahead of that, below.

Source – [Gamescom ONL 2024]

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