WWE NXT Results 8/20/24

WWE NXT Results 8/20/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

Chase University Championship Celebration 

Andre Chase: Thank you. It’s a new year here at Chase University. New students. New classrooms. And new NXT Tag Team Champions.

Thea Hail: Mr. Chase, Ridge, I’m so proud of you. You really did prove that you’re Chase U through and through.

Duke Hudson: Congratulations, Ridge. All the way from the rugby fields, to Chase University, your desire, your passion, your intensity, it’s a little much sometimes, but it was exactly what Chase University needed to bring the gold home.

Riley Osborne: Ridge, you know, I gave you a little bit of flack when you got here, but you made a believer out of me, and you got your first ever championship in NXT.

Andre Chase: Guys, I couldn’t agree more. Ridge, without you, I wouldn’t be standing here as the NXT Tag Team Champion. So, on behalf of Duke, Riley, Thea, and the entire student body, Ridge, we want to say, thank you.

Nathan Frazer: Hey, congrats on the last week, guys. Genuinely, good job. It was a tremendous win. I hate to break up this little party, but me and my amigo here have something that we want to talk to you about.

Axiom: Because you were the better team that day, but we just don’t think that you’re the better team every day. Because we are, we are the best tag team in NXT.

Nathan Frazer: And say it louder for the people in the back. And admittedly, we might have run ourselves into the ground for the past couple of weeks. I mean, The Rascalz match, back-to-back speed matches, back-to-back tournaments. Ridge, you picked a perfect time to challenge us for the NXT Tag Team Titles. But we figured, right now would be the perfect time to ask you.

Ridge Holland: Boys, boys, boys. Look, I’m sorry to cut you off, and I appreciate all the kind words. But what I don’t appreciate is that you interrupted a Chase U moment. Yeah, Chase U, the little engine that could, the underdogs that never give up. The greatest strength lies in never giving up, and that’s what Chase U taught me. I came to NXT to find myself. But the more I look, the more I was lost. I couldn’t take the pressure, the whispers. Everybody turned their back on me. But Chase U stood by my side. Mr. Chase told me to take things one day at a time. Thea Hail rebuilt my confidence and showed me that I can mix it up with the very best in NXT. Duke and Riley, they challenged me to prove that my heart was pure. I care about the university that they wear on the chest every single day. I busted my ass for six years to become a champion, and last week, I did it. But last week was bigger than me. Last week was about bringing gold to Chase U. And I begged, I pleaded, casting all my favors with my mission statement. And the mission statement is, mission accomplished.

Axiom: Well, that is lovely mate, but we still want our tag team title match.

Riley Osborne: Woah, if you want your tag team title match, you’re going to have to go through the heart of Chase University.

Duke Hudson: How about this, boys? How about if you go through the MVP Duke Hudson and The Daredevil Riley Osborne, then maybe, just maybe you’ll get a tag team title rematch at No Mercy.

Nathan Frazer: We accept. Well, then, we’ll see you boys later tonight.

Duke Hudson: See, that’s the thing about Chase U, we’re always ready.

First Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. Duke Hudson & Riley Osborne w/Chase University

Riley Osborne and Axiom will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Axiom brings Osborne down to the mat. Osborne wraps the leg around Axiom’s neck. Axiom sends Osborne to the corner. Osborne dives over Axiom. Osborne slips over Axiom’s back. Osborne dropkicks Axiom. Osborne applies a side headlock. Axiom whips Osborne across the ring. Axiom drops down on the canvas. Axiom with The Hip Toss for a one count. Axiom goes for The Cross-Arm-Breaker, but Osborne rolls him over for a two count. Axiom ducks a clothesline from Osborne. Axiom dropkicks Osborne over the top rope. Hudson stops Axiom in his tracks. Frazer with The Missile Dropkick. Osborne kicks Axiom in the ribs in mid-air. Hudson blocks The Suicide Dive. Hudson drives Frazer back first into the ring apron. Osborne lands The SomerSault Plancha. Chase University has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Forearm Exchange.

Axiom applies The Sleeper Hold. Axiom with a short-arm clothesline. Osborne with a Running Boot. Axiom follows that with The Standing Spanish Fly for a two count. Axiom applies The Ankle Lock. Osborne tags in Hudson. Osborne sends Axiom face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Hudson with The Slingshot German Suplex. Frazer tags himself in. Frazer kicks Hudson in the face. Hudson with The Stratusfaction. Hudson with The Bossman Slam for a two count. Hudson goes for The Razor’s Edge, but Frazer counters with The Hurricanrana for a two count. Hudson goes for The Uranage Slam, but Frazer counters with a deep arm-drag. Hudson blocks The Leaping DDT. Frazer ducks under two clotheslines from Hudson. Osborne tags himself in. Assisted Esperanza. Frazer avoids The Shooting Star Press. Tip Up by Frazer. Frazer with The SpringBoard Reverse Spanish Fly for a two count. Axiom delivers The Golden Ratio to Hudson. Osborne dodges The Phoenix Splash. Osborne with The Roundhouse Kick. Osborne knocks Axiom off the ring apron. Osborne blocks The SuperPlex. Axiom tags himself in. Frazer with The SuperPlex. Frazer wipes out Hudson with The SomerSault Plancha. Axiom and Frazer connects with their BrainBuster/SuperKick Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: Axiom & Nathan Frazer via Pinfall 

– Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone are trying to convince AVA that they should be the one that decides who replaces Karmen Petrovic in the No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator Match. Izzi Dame suggest that it should be her because she should’ve been selected in the first place. AVA says that she’s not going to reward bad behavior and Brinley Reece will be taking Petrovic’s place.

Second Match: Lola Vice vs. Wendy Choo 


– The Good Brothers vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger 

– Ethan Page Segment 

– Dion Lennox vs. Ashante THEE Adonis 

– Trick Williams Segment 

– Sol Ruca vs. Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece vs. Adrianna Rizzo vs. Kendal Grey vs. Wren Sinclair In A Gauntlet Match

– Joe Hendry vs. Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne In A Triple Threat Match. The Winner Will Become The Number One Contender For The WWE NXT Championship 

Checkout Episode 426 of The Hoots Podcast

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