AEW Collision Results 8/17/24

It’s the last Collision from ESports Stadium and the experiment has to have been considered a success, so let’s get to it.

  • Jack Perry vs. Danny Orion
  • Hologram vs. Angelico
  • Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lio Rush
  • Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: The Undisputed Kingdom vs. Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara
  • Dr. Britt Baker vs. Harley Cameron
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Number One Contender’s Match: FTR vs. The Acclaimed

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Collision 8/17/24

From the ESports Stadium in Arlington, Texas! Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are here on commentary, tonight.

Match #1. Britt Baker vs. Harley Cameron

Headlock takeover by Cameron and an awkward moment in the corner as both women freeze momentarily. 619 by Cameron to Britt’s leg. Flying clothesline by Cameron gets two. Cameron runs Baker into the top turnbuckle and delivers some knees to the stomach. Two count. Elbows by Cameron but she runs into a pair of boots. Flatliner into the middle turnbuckle by Baker and a pair of flying clotheslines. Twist and Shout by Baker gets two. Baker gets the glove but Cameron goes to the throat and connects with Soul Food. Shining Wizard by Cameron gets two. Baker blocks a Russian Leg Sweep and connects with a question mark kick. Enziguiri by Cameron. Superkick by Baker and a Slingblade. Curb stomp by Baker and this one’s over.

Winner: Britt Baker

Rating: *1/4. This one was… not good. Tons of awkward spots and the physicality was way off.

Here’s Mercedes Mone and Kamille. Britt Baker charges Kamille with the kendo stick and Kamille drops her with huge boot to the face before breaking the kendo stick in half. Kamille carries Baker into the ring and drops her with the sit-out Dominator.

We get a video package showing All In coming to Arlington, Texas, next year.

Match #2. Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: The Undisputed Kingdom vs. Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara

Dropdown uppercut by Dustin to Bennett but Bennett catches him with a superkick. Dustin fires back and hits the uppercut on Taven. Sammy comes off the top with a double crossbody and a pair of suicide dives. Sammy feigns a plancha and backflips in the ring as Dustin joins him in a double tranquilooooo. Flapjack to Taven. Sammy and Bennett fight to the outside where Samy ducks a Boston Bayonet and superkicks Bennett. Baseball slide by Taven to Sammy from behind and The Kingdom are in control. Vertical suplex to Sammy and a two count. Powerbomb by Bennett. Taven heads up top but Sammy meets him there and it’s a Spanish Fly! Fans are going nuts for the hometown boy as he makes the tag to Dustin after an enziguiri. Clotheslines to everyone and a big boot to Bennett followed by a bulldog. Snap powerslam to Taven. Running Destroyer to Taven! Dustin thinks about Shattered Dreams to Taven but Bennett charges and gets tripped up into Taven, and then it’s Shattered Dreams behind the back. Crossrhodes to Taven! Two count as Bennett breaks it up. Roderick Strong and Mortos hit the ring as Mortos jumps on the apron, Strong hits a Sick Kick to Dustin. Two count! The Von Erich’s are here, and so is the Cage of Agony. The Conglomeration is here too and it’s bedlam at ringside! Low blow to Dustin and a roll up gets two, back inside the ring. Kingdom looks for a spike piledriver but Sammy meets Taven with a springboard cutter in mid-air! Curtain Call to Bennett and Sammy hits a senton off the top! One, two, three!

Winners: Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara

Rating: ***1/4. This was a total cluster and unbelievably enjoyable. The Texas crowd ate up all of the hometown boys, and Dustin Rhodes is literally only getting better. Once again, the Kingdom were the perfect foil, and this was a heck of a lot of fun. Good for Sammy, too, as this feels like a fresh start.

A video package of AEW wrestlers and personalities giving their opinions on Swerve vs. Bryan Danielson is shown, to “Machinehead” by Bush. And yes, it is awesome as heck.

Jericho says Tommy Billington is entitled, just like Hook, who is banned from the Learning Tree forever. Jericho says he wanted a warmup match in the UK, and he got one with Billington. Dynamite Kid wouldn’t even like his own son, if he was here. Jericho learned in the dungeon, and he’s a modern-day Stu Hart.

Match #3. Angelico vs. Hologram

Arm drags by both men to start and they match each other every step of the way to start. Leg whip by Hologram and a dropkick. Suicide dive by Hologram takes out Angelico on the ramp! Back in the ring and Angelico takes control with a top wrist lock as we go to commercial. Back from commercial and Hologram goes up and over the ropes about four times and connects with an enziguiri. Rope walk diving huricanrana by Hologram. Double jump and Angelico catches him, but gets a DDT anyway. Wasteland by Hologram. 450 off the top but Hologram lands on his feet. Rising enziguiri by Angelico and a majistral cradle gets two. Spinning back kick by Hologram and a hurricanrana after jumping off the back of Angelico as both guys trade covers for two. Majistral by Angelico but Hologram stops the momentum and gets a two. A diving majistral cradle by Hologram ties up Angelico and this one’s over.

Winner: Hologram

Rating **3/4. This was pretty fun, but the commercial robbed us of some of it.

A video package of the Tiger Driver 91′ is shown, including it’s origins with Mitsuharu Misawa. Really cool video package here, highlighting the danger of the move and why Ospreay stopped using it.

Match #4. Jack Perry vs. Danny Orion

Perry is violent tonight and just chops the soul of out this fella. Huge lariat. Running knee. Fin.

Winner: Jack Perry

Rating: NR

After the match, Perry goes underneath the ring and gets a body bag. Perry spray paints the guys face white and then puts him in the bag. Perry then pulls out a new TNT title that’s covered in black and red.

Christopher Daniels tells us that Christian Cage won’t get away with his actions, as there will be a trios eliminator at Dynamite Cardiff, and the winners will face The Patriarchy in a London Ladder’s Match.

Match #5. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lio Rush

Gutwrench by Claudio but Lio lands on his feet. Stunner and a roll up for one. Crossbody off the top by Lio but Claudio catches him in a backbreaker. A uranage backbreaker by Claudio gets two. Sunset flip by Lio gets only a one. Boots in the corner by Claudio as we go to commercial. Giant Swing by Claudio and Lio is almost out. Claudio misses a running European uppercut and Lio tries for a Poisonrana, but Claudio catches him. Cartwheel kicks by Lio sends Claudio to the floor. Low suicide dive by Lio but Claudio catches him and sets him up on the apron. Running hurricanrana off the apron by Lio. Lio charges and Claudio sends him into the fifth row. Lio barely gets back in the ring before the ten count so Claudio makes him pay with vicious European uppercuts. Lio ducks underneath a Neutralizer attempt and delivers a fast strike combo. Enziguiri by Lio but he misses Rush Hour. Lio charges and gets popped up into the air, right into a European uppercut. Woof. That’ll finish this one.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Rating: **3/4. Heck of a showing by Lio here, who’s really finding a home for himself in AEW. Good win for Claudio ahead of his match with Okada this week.

We catch up with Eddie Kingston from his home, recovering from his surgery. Eddie’s noticed some things on Dynamite lately. What Bryan Danielson is this? Not the Danielson that fought Eddie, or Kenta. This Bryan is disrespectful to our sport, and he’s going to get beat. This Bryan doesn’t have the fire anymore. Is Bryan going to go out on his back? If you’re not going to give everything… what’s the point.

Match #6. Mariah May vs. London Dior

Shotgun dropkick before the bell by May. Boots in the corner by May. Running hip attack in the corner. Storm Zero.

Winner: Mariah May

Rating: NR

Lights go out! Timeless Toni presents.. her final gift. A movie of Storm is shown. Storm’s final gift to May will be the grandest Toni Storm of all. London will lay at our feet! Go out of your way to watch this… it was awesome. May has lost it and she beats on Dior with the shoe for good measure.

Match #7. Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: FTR vs. The Acclaimed

Shoulder block by Cash and it’s headlock city, baby. Lots of chain wrestling to start, quick tags, and even exchanges. Dropkicks by Caster and a double back body drops by The Acclaimed. FTR has to revisit their strategy as Caster chases Dax and gets clotheslined hard by Cash. FTR in control through the commercial but Bowens finally gets the tag and lays everyone out. Kick combo to both guys and a low running knee to Dax. Two count. Dax ducks under a clothesline and delivers a German suplex. Two. Three. Cash gets the tag and gets a roll up for two. Little but of confusion here as we’re not sure who’s legal and who’s not, and everyone is kind of looking for each other. FTR wants a spike piledriver but Caster back body drops Dax and catches Cash low off the top rope. Superplex by Caster, he holds up, picks up Cash in another suplex, and Bowens comes off the top with a crossbody at the same time. Two count. Double suplex to Cash but Dax makes the save and it’s a meeting of the minds. Lariat by Cash and a powerslam. Electric chair to Caster and Dax comes off the top with a diving bulldog a la the Steiner Brothers! Long two count. Caster hot shots Dax over the top and makes the tag to Bowens before we go to commercial. Back suplex by Bowens as he escapes the sleeper. Lariat by Cash and a running European uppercut. Noshigami by Cash for two. Short-arm clothesline by Cash. Make that two. Powerbomb by Cash is reversed into a powerbom of Caster’s own. Jackknife cover but Cash follows the roll and gets a two count. FTR look for the spike piledriver but Bowens dumps Cash off the top to the floor and apron. Strike combinations The Acclaimed and a Magic Killer attempt but Cash shoved Bowens and Dax rolls up Bowens for two. Double leg by Dax but Bowens catches the knee and delivers some elbows and a dragon screw leg whip. Sharpshooter in return by Dax! Caster can’t make the save since Cash is holding him. Billy Gunn keeps trying to interfere but he can’t. Bowens gets free and comes over the top with a Fameasser to Dax, who has Caster in the Sharpshooter. Two count. Bowens and Dax jockey for suplexes but Dax sets him up on the top. Chops by Dax and we hear that there are five minutes remaining in the match. Bowens fights Dax off the top but gets crotched by Cash. Cash now DDTs Bowens on the apron! Powerplex by FTR (although Dax slipped and he managed to save Bowens life) and a suicide dive to the outside by Cash takes out Caster! Two count. Dax and Bowens trade hard strikes from their knees and FTR wants the Shatter Machine but Caster breaks it up and The Acclaimed hit the Shatter Machine on Dax! Two count! The Arrival on Dax and a Mic Drop out of nowhere! Cash bullies Caster into the cover to break it up before the three! All four guys are in the ring as the time limit expires.

Winners: NA

Rating: ***3/4. Man, did this one start slow. That said, after the 20-minute mark, it was all action. Interesting choice here as I didn’t feel like The Acclaimed were quite hot enough, but this match tonight changed that. Kudos to FTR too, these guys put everything they had into those one.

Tony Schiavone announces that it will be a three-way match at Webley, for the titles!

Final Thoughts: The job of tonight’s show was to get the Texas fans happy, and build to All In, and they did that. Story-heavy at times and good wrestling at others, the fans enjoyed every minute of it and they added a lot to the atmosphere. How good is Toni Storm, by the way? 7.75/10. 

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