CM Punk Says Triple H Is Much More Hands On With People Than Vince McMahon Was In WWE

CM Punk talks the differences between Vince McMahon and Triple H as the boss of WWE.

The Second City Saint spoke on this topic on the SI Media podcast, where he was promoting today’s WWE SummerSlam premium live event in Cleveland. When asked if there were differences between The Game and McMahon, Punk gave the following answer:

It’s been great. Vince would make people wait outside his office. There would be like a line, and people would be intimidated by that. I don’t get that read off Triple H at all. I don’t see people waiting outside his office, ‘How long have you been here?’ ‘I’ve been here for three hours.’ I never had that with Vince, I would always just go in and ask him a question if I needed to. Never trying to waste his time. Never trying to waste Triple H’s time. I see him being a lot more hands on with people and approachable and accessible. He wants everybody to be their best because he wants the show to be the best. There is no leftover 80s macho weird energy going on.

Punk and Triple H have said nothing but nice things about the other ever since Punk made his shocking return to WWE last year. He will be facing Drew McIntyre at today’s SummerSlam event, with Seth Rollin as the special guest referee.

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