A Fallout: London modder has taken it upon themself to cure the rampant dog food addiction that is more sinister than you’d think

A Fallout: London modder has taken it upon themself to cure the rampant dog food addiction that is more sinister than you’d think

One of the newest quirks players are finding in Fallout: London seems to be an odd addiction to dog food. There’s currently no explanation for this, so one modder decided to take matters into their own hands and create a mod that’ll do away with this addiction for good. 

Aptly named “Dog Food Addiction Remover,” it  was added earlier this week by modder Avislone. “I was rather surprised when I looked down to find myself addicted to dog food, of all things, and when I asked around, there was only some speculation on the Discord as to why it was made addictive in the first place,” Avislone says in the description. “I took it upon myself to lower the addiction chance of all dog food down to zero, making it so that you shouldn’t ever get addicted to a fairly common food source. It’s debatably lore-friendly, per what the comments are telling me, so use it at your own peril.” 

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