The latest round of absurd Baldur’s Gate 3 mods include a better Bing Bong and mankinis for the boys

The latest round of absurd Baldur’s Gate 3 mods include a better Bing Bong and mankinis for the boys

Whatever the Baldur’s Gate 3 modders have been drinking, I’d like a double. They’ve given us mods that make your entire party scrabble around on all fours, add an entire roguelike mode, and commit a war crime against Astarion’s hair follicles. And they haven’t slowed down yet.

The latest round of uploads to Nexus Mods include a couple of highlights. The first is for the Shadowheart Nation, giving the cleric of variable goddesses an improved imp-summoning ability. Referencing a running gag from the actual-play video where some of the Baldur’s Gate 3 voice actors played their characters in a game of D&D (since canonized in the game’s epilogue), Shadowheart was first given the ability to summon an adorable imp named Bing Bong in a mod released last year. It’s now been tweaked by another modder and released as Better Bing Bong, which makes several changes to the original.

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