A Coalition Job Listing Seems To Suggest Gears Of War: E-Day Will Have A PlayStation Release In Its Future

A Coalition Job Listing Seems To Suggest Gears Of War: E-Day Will Have A PlayStation Release In Its Future

Gears Of War has been one of the tentpole’s of Xbox’s exclusive lineup since it released, and if you’d asked someone about four years ago if games like Sea Of Thieves, Halo, or Gears Of War would come to any other platform not Xbox or PC, they would’ve replied with a resounding no.

Nowadays though, one of those games is already on PlayStation, and the other two don’t feel as out of reach anymore with Microsoft’s new approach to its first-party titles.

So rumours have been abound claiming that everything under the Xbox sun will be a PlayStation game one day, and fanning the flames of those rumours further is a job description from Gears Of War developer, The Coalition.

Spotted by Insider Gaming, a role for a senior online client engineer that’ll be a part of the Gears Of War: E-Day team is asking that applicants have experience with the digital storefronts of various platforms. Along with Xbox and Steam, the listing also asks applicants have experience with the PlayStation Store and PSN.

Simply mentioning PSN and the PlayStation Store doesn’t guarantee that it’ll be coming to PlayStation of course. In fact it’s arguable that the PlayStation Store is even listed because they want someone with that knowledge for future projects, not E-Day.

However, E-Day is set as a prequel to the original trilogy. If there was a brand new game Xbox could ship and deliver on PS5 after a period of Xbox exclusivity, E-Day could be a solid choice for introducing a new platform of players to the iconic franchise.

But this is all speculation, so take it with a grain of salt, for now.

Source – [Microsoft via Insider Gaming]

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