AEW Collision Results 7/13/24

The build for Wembley has started!

  • Top Flight vs. Shane Taylor Promotions’
  • Konosuke Takeshita vs. Tommy Billington
  • Bang Bang Gang vs. London Lightning, Michael Allen Richard, Clark, & Shaun Moore
  • Nyla Rose vs. Ava Lawless
  • Skye Blue vs. Harley Cameron
  • Ring of Honor World Championship Number One Contender’s Match: Roderick Strong vs. Dalton Castle
  • The Undisputed Kingdom vs. The Conglomeration

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Collision 7/13/24

From the Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta, Canada!

Match #1 Konosuke Takeshita vs. Tommy Billington

Don Callis joins commentary.  Billington gets an armdrag and shoulderblocks Takeshita down, sending him to the outside.  Back in, Billington gets a shotgun dropkick, but a second attempt misses.  Takeshita takes over with some punches, but Billington gets a running crossbody sending both over the top to the outside (mostly).  Billington goes to the top, but Takeshita knocks him down onto the buckle and goes up as well.  Superplex connects for Takeshita and gets two.  Forearms are exchanged which Takeshita gets the better of and he sends Billington into the ringpost and to the outside as we hit a commercial break.  We return with Billington hitting a crossbody to the floor and going up again for a top-rope missile dropkick.  Snap suplex and Tommy heads up top again, but Takeshita tosses him off.  Corner charge from Takeshita misses and they fight over a tombstone piledriver which Billington gets, but can’t cover.  Tommy goes up again, looking for the diving headbutt but it misses.  Blue Thunder Bomb from the Alpha gets a two count.  Billington counters a suplex with a rollup for two, but Takeshita runs through him with a clothesline and a T-Trigger kneestrike for the win.

Winner:  Konosuke Takeshita

Rating:  **3/4.  This was pretty good, with Billington getting a lot of offense in.

Post-match, Callis and his funky shoes grabs a mic and puts Billington over, trying to recruit him to the Don Callis Family.  Billington shakes his hand, but tells Don to kiss his rear and Callis slaps him.  A beatdown on Billington commences, with Kyle Fletcher joining in, but FTR runs in to make the save.

Match #2 Bang Bang Gang vs. London Lightning, Michael Allen Richard Clark, & Shaun Moore

This is not for the Trios Titles for those interested.  Because Juice Robinson can’t defend them, not because these other guys don’t deserve a title shot.  The BBG triple team Moore for a bit and then beat up on the rest of the jobbers.  My feed cuts out and we come back to the Bang Bang Gang cutting a promo, so let’s assume they got the win.

Winners:  Bang Bang Gang

Post-match, Christopher Daniels interrupts and strips the Bang Bang Gang of the Unified Trios Championships due to Jay White’s injury.  This brings out Christian Cage and the Patriarchy, asking for the titles to be handed over to them.  Daniels then sets up the Bang Bang Gang (the Juice Robinson version) versus the Patriarchy for the now vacant titles.

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