Ubisoft says a Star Wars Outlaws planet is the size of ‘2 or 3’ Assassin’s Creed Odyssey map zones put together, which takes about 5 minutes ‘nonstop’ on a speeder to cross

Ubisoft says a Star Wars Outlaws planet is the size of ‘2 or 3’ Assassin’s Creed Odyssey map zones put together, which takes about 5 minutes ‘nonstop’ on a speeder to cross

It’s not the size of the open world that counts, it’s what’s inside it—but I’ll admit I’ve been curious to see how Ubisoft plans to tackle the open world maps for multiple Star Wars planets. This is a notoriously tough nut for space exploration games to crack. BioWare tried to make Mass Effect 1’s barren planets more interesting in Andromeda, only to fill them with generic, cookie cutter quests that went over about as well as the facial animations. Bethesda justified Starfield’s largely dull procedurally generated planets as realistic. What should we expect from Ubisoft, which has made some truly massive open world maps, bringing that scale to the whole galaxy?

Well, for one thing, we know Outlaws won’t be going down the endless procedural planets route—Ubisoft has revealed five explorable planets so far, which you’ll be able to fly between in your spaceship. Thanks to an interview with IGN, we now also know roughly how big they are. 

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