AEW Forbidden Door 2024 Results

We’re in my backyard tonight with one of the most exciting weekend’s of the year for AEW!

  • Hechicero vs. MJF
  • Orange Cassidy vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
  • The Elite vs. Scissor Ace
  • Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Quarterfinal: Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi
  • IWGP Heavyweight Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito
  • AEW TBS Championship & NJPW Strong Women’s Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Stephanie Vaquer (c)
  • FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa
  • AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match: Mark Briscoe vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Jack Perry vs. Lio Rush vs. Dante Martin vs. ?
  • AEW World Heavyweight Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Will Ospreay

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Forbidden Door 2024

Live from the UBS Arena in Elmont, New York! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz are here in the heart of Long Island, so let’s bring out the hometown boy.

Match #1. Hechicero vs. MJF

MJF out to a “he’s our scumbag” chant and here we go. Backflip by MJF and an eye poke. MJF sends Hechichero outside and bounces him off every guard rail he can find, as he now enjoys playing to the crowd. Running Broski Boot to Hechichero sends him into the front row. MJF plays to the crowd yet again on the apron, but Hechicero delivers an arm breaker over the top rope. Hechicero now wraps up MJF in a rear naked choke over the top rope before planting him with the Mad Scientist Bomb for a two count. Both men trade piledriver attempts but Hechichero settles for a huge running knee in the corner before doing the Fargo Strut, thus infuriating the crowd, and flipping everyone off. Hechichero runs through several submissions in a row, finishing the sequence with a double armbar using his legs, similiar to how Zack Sabre Jr. submitted Tanahashi at the ROH MSG show. MJF somehow makes it to the ropes. Mounted punches by MJF in the corner before biting the face of the masked man. Long Island Sunrise by MJF off the top! Sheer drop brainbuster by MJF! One, two, three!

Winner: MJF

Rating: ***. Fine opener with the hometown hero getting the win. MJF didn’t waste a lot of time and showed he can wrestle darn near any style.

Match #2. The Acclaimed & Hiroshi Tanahasi vs. The Elite

Okada and Tana start as the crowd erupts, but Okada thinks better of it and tags Nicholas. Quick tags early and Caster is bodyslamming everyone. Double Scissor Me, Timbers to The Bucks as Tanahashi chases Okada from the ring. Triple guitar solos (is that correct, like, can it be a solo if there are three of them?) in the ring now but Okada tags himself in from behind and blindsides Caster. Triple boots in the corner by The Elite. Air Raid Crash Neckbraker by Okada as The Elite have cleared the ring. Nicholas puts on a pair of headphones as Okada pretends to DJ and this is amazing. Caster heads up top but Nicholas catches him, although Caster bites his face and comes off the top with a crossbody. Okada prevents the tag but Caster with a back body drop and here’s Bowens. Bowens clears the house and hits Nicholas with a big Fameasser. Matthew rakes the back but misses a big splash. Nicholas splashes Matthew by accident. Big combo by Bowens and a superkick to Nicholas. Fireman’s carry into a facebuster by Bowens. Four-way clothesline in the ring as The Acclaimed and The Bucks take each other out. Okada and Tanahashi are calling for the tags and the fans erupt! Forearms by Tanahashi and a body slam. Flipping senton off the middle by Tanahashi for two. Dragon Screw by Tanahashi but a superkick by Matthew. Slingblade by Caster. DDT by Matthew. Rolling elbow by Bowens. European uppercut by Okada. The Arrival by Bowens and Caster drops the mic on Okada! Tana goes up top for the High Fly Flow but Matthew and Nicholas hold the legs momentarily. Tana finally comes off the top but Okada gets the knees up and that still looked like it hurt. Double plancha to the outside by The Bucks. Body slam by Okada and a big elbow drop off the top. Inside cradle by Tana gets a long two. Dragon Screw by Tana to the Bucks but a big dropkick by Okada. RAINMAKERRRRRRRR! One, two, three!

Winners: The Elite

Rating: ***1/2. Such good stuff here. Lots of callbacks, Tanahashi was used perfectly, and Okada got a big statement victory.

After the match, Okada helps up Tanahashi looking for another Rainmaker but Billy Gunn makes the save.

Match #3. Shingo Takagi vs. Bryan Danielson

This is going to be… special. Danielson is taped up all over his neck and shoulder, giving Shingo a bullseye. Danielson with a drop toe hold and an STF early, looking to wrestle a technical match. Big shoulder block by Shingo and a senton. Hard chops by Shingo now as Danielson flips over and connects with a diving clothesline. Running dropkick by Danielson sends Shingo to the outside and Danielson follows up with a suicide dive but his feet get caught, Shingo catches him, drapes him on the apron, and DDTs him DIRECTLY ON HIS HEAD. Referee Aubrey Edwards sees it and calls the doctor immediately before starting the count. Danielson makes it in by the nine count. Vertical suplex by Shingo who is now enjoying the fruits of his labor. “Nigel, I think you should just fight Danielson in catering.” – Taz. “Vegans are never in catering.” – Nigel. Quick jab from Shingo and a clipping left hook sends Danielson to the mat. Shingo misss an elbow drop and Danielson is able to kick him in the head, giving both men a bit of respite. Both guys trade chops now in the center of the ring. Shingo’s chops are next level. Danielson flips out of a German suplex and tosses Shingo with one of his won. Running dropkick in the corner by Danielson. Danielson heads up top but Shingo catches him and crotches him on the top. Shingo then mocks the “yes” chant. Danielson sneaks between the legs and now crotches Shingo. Hammer and anvil elbows on the top rope and an avalanche back suplex! Yes kicks by Danielson but Shingo catches one, so Danielson just paintbrushes him. Clothesline attempt by Shingo but Danielson catches him with a flying armbar! Danielson transitions into a triangle choke, but Shingo stands up, picks up Danielson into a huge DVD/powerslam combination. Pumping Bomber by Shingo in the corner and a big superplex off the very top rope. Sliding lariat to the face of a seated Danielson for a long two count. Shingo wants Made in Japan but Danielson fights out and misses a dropkick in the corner. PUMPING BOMBER BY SHINGO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! Made in Japan! One, two, NO! Danielson tries to fight out and collapses to the mat. Shingo looks at him and hits him with a tough looking sliding elbow. Hammer and anvil elbows by Shingo. Shingo looks for another low lariat but Danielson catches the arm and rolls underneath into a Fujiwara armbar. Shingo rolls free and delivers a big headbutt. High kick by Danielson. Snap Regal Plex! Danielson powers up… Busaiku Knee! Shingo is out just before the three! “I’m going to kick his f’ing head in!” – Danielson. Danielson traps the wrists and stomps Shingo’s head before transitioning into a triangle choke. Elbows from the bottom by Danielson! Shingo picks Danielson up but Danielson shifts his hips and lands in a vicious Fujiwara armbar position with the knee on the back of the head. Danielson falls back and this looks brutal. THE REFEREE STOPS IT!

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Rating: ****1/2. Yeah, I loved every part of this. Scary moment in the beginning of this one but man oh man what an unbelievable battle. Shingo looked like a million bucks and Danielson did exactly what Bryan Danielson does. Banger. After banger. After banger. Give me more.

After the match, Danielson points to Shingo and wants the fans to cheer for him and they sure do.

Match #4. AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) w/ Luther vs. Mina Shirakawa

Mariah May is sitting at a chair at ringside. Mina looks to work over the knees early, with a double stomp to hamstrings. Figure-four around the ringpost by Mina and a kneebreaker on the floor. Back in the ring and Mina misses a charge in the corner, allowing Storm to connect with a draping backstabber. Perfect Plex by Storm gets two. Storm goes for a running hip attack against the steps but Mina moves and Storm lands hard. Mina comes off the top with a crossbody to the floor that takes out Storm and Luther. Mina takes her time and rolls Storm in the ring, but misses a charge in the corner and Storm drills her with a twisting Low Down off the top. Storm attempts the running hip attack but Mina dropkicks the knee. Electric Chair by Mina into a twisting facebuster. Figure Four by Mina is locked in. Storm managed to fight her way to the ropes but Mina is there with a rolling elbow. Both women now fight to the top rope and Mina gets a front facelock. Diving DDT from the top by Mina! Mina holds on and DDTs Storm yet again. Long two count. Glamorous Driver attempt by Mina but Storm bases out and German suplexes her. Running hip attack in the corner by Storm! Two count. Glamorous Collection by Mina out of nowhere gets two. Backfist and a rolling elbow by Mina. Glamorous Driver! Storm is out at 2.99999. Roundhouse kick by Mina. Storm cradles her for two. Headbutt by Storm and a snap German suplex. Storm Zero! One, two, three!

Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

Rating: ***1/4. Maybe a kickout or two too much here towards the end, but an excellent defense for Toni Storm. Mina looked really good here and I think we’ll be seeing more of her after Forbidden Door, and possibly a showdown between May and Storm at Wembley.

After the match, Mariah May hits the ring and looks conflicted. Storm picks up Mina and Mina shoves her away, before extending the arm. Both women shake hands and then… hug! Crowd loves it. And we get a triple kiss.

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