Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PS4 Rating Spotted, Release Date Could Be Revealed Soon

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was Respawn’s highly anticipated sequel to its new series of Star Wars games focusing on Cal Kestis, a Jedi who never got to complete his training because he had to flee as a young padawan once Order 66 hit.

When Survivor launched, much like its predecessor Fallen Order, it did not run smoothly – on any platform, whether that’s consoles or PC – and that’s even with it only being on current-gen platforms.

Even with most of its launch issues ironed out now, that it would ever be available on last-gen platforms wasn’t something anything thought was on EA’s mind, until it was confirmed last summer that Respawn would be bringing Survivor to PS4.

Fast-forward to Wednesday where a PS4 and Xbox One rating for Survivor was spotted on the Brazilian ratings board by Andrew Marmo, who posted the ratings on Twitter.

Newly spotted ratings don’t always mean that a release date is around the corner, but seeing as how Survivor is now more than a year old and that Respawn has been working on this since last August, it’s possible EA and Respawn are ready to start sharing more about this coming release.

With one season of big industry news come and gone, it might not be something we hear about until Gamescom 2024. Only time will tell at this point, but for anyone on last-gen still waiting to play Survivor, at least this is a sign that the wait is coming to an end, hopefully sooner than later.

Source – [VGC]

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