Beat down ‘Robillionaires’ in ’80s anime-inspired FPS Mullet Madjack

Would you like to enjoy a face exploding FPS—the kind that’s a retro-FPS but it’s also not because it has this bizarre stylish blend of Ultrakill and Hotline Miami and vintage anime? The kind where you have to kill things to survive because in the science-fictional 2090s, exactly like today, people have evolved to need dopamine every 10 seconds or they will literally die?

Then you might want to check out Mullet Madjack. It showed up with a stylish trailer that’s just aired during the PC Gaming Show to remind us that, hey, it launched last month in May. It’s capturing the hearts of retro-shooting and fast-paced enthusiasts alike—though I’m also seeing there’s also a no-timer classic mode, if that’s your thing.

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