AEW Rampage Results 6/7/24

  • Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Butcher
  • The Acclaimed vs. Parviz & Hunter Grey
  • Private Party vs. Gates of Agony
  • Bang Bang Gang vs. Caleb Crush, Chris Wilde, & Tyler Payne
  • Serena Deeb vs. Mina Shirakawa

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 6/7/24

From the Blue Arena in Loveland, Colorado! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and the new permanent analyst… Matt Menard are on commentary.

Match #1. Penta el Zero Miedo w/ Alex Abrehantes vs. The Butcher

Butcher runs into a superkick. Penta runs into a big boot. Enziguiri by Penta and an overhand chop in the corner. Running corner handstand into a double dropkick by Penta. Tieres by Penta awkwardly sends Butcher to the outside. Penta looks for a baseball slide but Butcher ducks and accidentally runs over Alex Abrahantes. Butcher then takes advantage of Penta checking on the Hype Man, and Irish whips him into the apron a bunch as we go to commercial. Butcher with some chops to the chest before whipping Penta into the ringpost. Butcher now hammerlocks the shoulder and sends Penta into whatever he can around the ringside area. Penta ducks a clothesline and hits a pair of Slingblades back inside the ring. Penta heads up top but misses a diving double stomp, landing on his feet. Butcher runs through Penta with a diving crossbody for two. Up and over Backstabber out of the corner by Penta gets two. Both guys are slow to get up but Butcher ducks an overhand and catches Penta with a half nelson into a backbreaker. Two count. Pair of superkicks by Penta before finishing this one with Fear Factor.

Winner: Penta el Zero Miedo

Rating: *3/4. This one just wasn’t there for me. Neither guy seemed on the same page and a lot of the offense looked clunky and contrived.

Penta’s victory lap is interrupted by The Learning Tree. Jericho tells Menard not to talk over the other commentators and mentions the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Bryan Keith makes sure Menard respects Jericho.

Match #2. The Acclaimed vs. Parviz & Hunter Grey

Parviz and Grey charge early, but Grey eats an Attitude Adjustment for his trouble. Mic Drop. Finito.

Winner: The Acclaimed

Rating: NR. That was… odd.

Shane Taylor Promotions are calling their shot, and they want Top Flight & Action Andretti.

Match #3. Gates of Agony vs. Private Party

Kassidy ducks a pair of clotheslines and takes out Toa on the apron with a Stunner. Blind tag to Quen who springboards in with a dropkick. Suicide dive to Kaun and Quen sticks the landing but gets blasted by a POUNCEEEEE from Toa. Double powerbomb by GOA back inside the ring as we go to a commercial. Return from break with Private Party in control and Kassidy taking out both members of the GOA with a big senton off the top to the floor. Swanton Bomb back inside the ring to Kaun gets a two count. Quen gets the tag and charges Kaun in the corner but gets JoeANage’d in the corner. Tag to Toa and a clothesline sammich gets two. 450 off the top by Kassidy to Toa out of nowhere. Shooting Star Press by Quen! Two count. Kaun with a double knee gutbuster to Quen and Kassidy is on his own. Kassidy runs into Kaun who pops him up and Toa catches him in mid-air with a spinning Rock Bottom. Double Razor’s Edge by the Gates of Agony and this one is over.

Winner: Gates of Agony

Rating: **. Nice win for the Gates of Agony, who came off like monsters here.

Can a Storm be frozen forever? A video package of Toni Storm talking about her opponent on Collision tomorrow night, Lady Frost, is shown.

Match #4. Bang Bang Gang vs. Caleb Crush, Chris Wilde, & Tyler Payne

The Juice is back, baby. Juice runs over Crush and then takes everyone else off the apron. Right hands by Juice and then the Left Hand of God. Leg lariat by Juice. Spinebuster to Wilde. Cannonball by Juice in the corner and The Juice is Loose finishes this one.

Winner: Bang Bang Gang

Rating: NR. Great to have Juice, back.

Jay White takes the mic and says he loves watching his boys go to work. The Bang Bang Gang is now at full strength and Jay White officially announces Juice as 1/4 of the AEW Trios Champions.

Match #5. Mina Shirakawa vs. Serena Deeb

Paradise Lock by Deeb to start, and a dropkick to the tailbone. Deeb looks for a neckbreaker but Mina counters with some low leg kicks. Knee breaker by Mina, who’s now focusing her attack on the knees of Deeb. Deeb rolls to the apron and Mina follows, but her attacks gets thwarted and Deeb drops her across the middle rope with a neckbreaker. Diving Octopus by Deeb as Mina has to fight her way to the ropes. The fight spills to the outside and Deeb connects with a big spinning neckbreaker on the floor. Deeb is clearly in control now, focusing her attack on the lower extremities with a pair of Dragon Screw Leg Whips. Mina counters with an enziguiri and both women are down. European uppercuts exchanged in the middle of the ring before Mina drops Deeb with a rolling elbow. Enziguiri off the top by Mina and a diving clothesline. Rolling elbow to the base of the neck by Mina as she grabs wrist control, goes up top, and drives her knee down into the shoulder of Deeb. Two count. Deeb floats over Mina’s back and both women trade waist locks, but Deeb lands the German suplex. Pepsi Twist by Deeb gets two. Deeb looks for Deebtox but Mina rolls her up for two. Mina rolls through a victory roll into a Figure Four. Both women trade palm strikes and fall through the ropes to the floor. Mina tries to get back in the ring but Deeb with another Dragon Screw through the ropes. High angle powerbomb with a stack by Deeb! Two count. Mina tries a high kick but Deeb chops the knee out. Deeb looks for Deebtox again but Mina escapes into a dragon sleeper position, lifts Deeb up, and plants her a-la a Michinoku Driver. One, two, three!

Winner: Mina Shirakawa

Rating: ***1/4. Big win for Shirakawa over the most recent number-one contender for Storm’s championship. Technically sound match here as Mina Shirakawa felt properly introduced to the AEW crowd.

Post-match, Mariah May hits the ring to celebrate with Mina, as Toni Storm looks on from the ramp.

Final Thoughts: Five matches in a one-hour show is a lot. Nothing really got a chance to breathe tonight, making what happened not feel very important. That said, the main event was well-wrestled and Shirakawa got a nice win ahead of her showdown with Toni Storm. Good win for the Gates of Agony as well, who looked like a force to be reckoned with. 6/10.

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