WWE NXT Results 6/4/24

WWE NXT Results 6/4/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

– The show kicked off with AVA and Mr. Stone awaiting the arrival of “All Ego” Ethan Page. Page is 30 minutes late, but he appreciates the big-star treatment. Page tells AVA that he’s ready to discuss business.

First Match: Jordynne Grace vs. Stevie Turner

Roxanne Perez joins the commentary team for this match. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Grace with a side headlock takeover. Turner answers with the headscissors escape. Turner slaps Grace in the face. Turner with a short-arm clothesline. Turner sends Grace to the corner. Grace decks Turner with a back elbow smash. Grace dives over Turner. Grace with a big palm strike. Grace whips Turner across the ring. Grace with two shoulder tackles. Turner ducks a clothesline from Grace. Grace with an Inside Out Suplex. Grace pops back on her feet. Turner side steps Grace into the turnbuckles.

Turner with a double back chop. Turner drives Grace head first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Turner with a Running Boot for a one count. Turner with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Turner applies a rear chin lock. Turner rakes the eyes of Grace. Grace with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Grace clings onto the top rope. Grace with a chop/forearm combination. Grace with two bodyslams. Grace blocks a boot from Turner. Grace with a Discus Back Elbow Smash. Grace whips Turner into the turnbuckles. Grace with The World’s Strongest Slam. Grace connects with The Juggernaut Driver to pickup the victory. After the match, Grace got into a shoving contest with Perez.

Winner: Jordynne Grace via Pinfall 

– Trick Williams runs into Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson in the NXT Parking Lot. Trick apologizes for what happened last week. Where is Ethan Page? Lash hasn’t seen that coward. Trick says that he’s going to knock all the ego out of him. Lash tells Trick that it’s over, they’re done. She needs to focus on becoming the first ever Women’s North American Champion. Trick is happy for Lash; he just needs her to lock in and do whatever it takes to get that title. Trick says that he’s going to handle this Ethan Page situation.

– We see Shawn Spears talking to Je’Von Evans and other members from the WWE Performance Center. Spears is amazed by Je’Von’s athleticism, but there’s so much to learn in such little time. Josh Briggs tells the PC Talent to listen to a word Spears has to say. Briggs is upset that Spears called him a lost soul that needed guidance. Spears says that there’s a lot of potential in Briggs but saying it and proving it are two different things. Briggs calls Spears a manipulator. Spears says that this is a prime of example of how you’re unable to answer a simple question like, who is Josh Briggs? The only thing that Briggs is showing to the world is his insecurities and misguidance.

The Women’s North American Championship Summit 

Booker T: Yes, yes, yes. There she is, right there in all of her glory, the Women’s North American Championship. And the question is, which one of you talented superstars is going to climb that ladder on Sunday, and grab glory? I’m talking about history, baby. I look at this ring right now, and I see talent, I see the future of this business. Oh, yes, man. And the question is, who is going to be the first? Michin, I ask you, first. What are you going to do on Sunday at Battleground to get it done?

Michin: Booker, ever since AVA announced this new title, I knew I had to be a part, to be the first champion. Now, unlike my opponents, I know what it takes. I’ve had my face shattered, my nose broken, all in NXT, all in a ladder match. And I loved it. And that’s the best part about being at NXT, because I get to be me, The HBIC. And on Sunday, The HBIC is walking out of Las Vegas, the new Women’s North American Champion.

Jaida Parker: You know what, Michin? I find it hilarious how you think you could just come around here and run everything. Now, you came back to NXT, but baby this ain’t no black and gold. It’s Jaida Parker’s time. And if you even come close to my title, I’m going to your ass black and blue. And I’m going to be the first woman to be the first ever NXT Women’s North American Champion.

Fallon Henley: And her name is Fallon Henley. But, you see, this is my kind of match. I don’t have to carry the deadweight of any tag team partners or worry about anybody else’s feelings, because when I look in this ring, I don’t care about a single one of you. So, I will step on and over all of you to get what I want, because that championship, it was created for me.

Kelani Jordan: Hold on, Fallon. Where does the title say your name? It doesn’t. Look, we’re all more than qualified to become the first ever NXT Women’s North American Champion. And you guys say you want it, but nobody wants it like Lani. Nobody is willing to take the risk like Lani. And nobody is willing to put their body on the line like Lani. Because these people, my people, they deserve a champion like Lani.

Booker T: Oh, baby. Now, hold on, let’s reset for a second. Can I get a shucky ducky quack-quack? Oh, yes, man. Let’s go to the one, the one who was number one in the combine, and that is Sol Ruca. Sol, you may be a little bit out of your element, in a match like this. What are you going to do to get it done?

Sol Ruca: You know, I just was going to sit back and let these girls get out all of their insults and jabs to each other, because every single woman here thinks that they’re going to be the one, the one at the top of that ladder at the end of the match, with that championship title. But the fact is, five of them are going to be wrong. Now, I’m not going to say anything to cut you guys down, but I will say this. Five souls will be snatched on Sunday.

Lash Legend: I’m go ahead and let you know that you’re not snatching a damn soul, near this way, thank you. But, look, honestly, it’s been a rough couple of weeks. But on Sunday, it’s about me. Sunday is about Lash Legend going from someone with potential to a woman who calls herself the NXT Women’s North American Champion.

Jaida Parker: Wow, Lash, I never knew you could think of anything other than Big Trick.

Booker T: Oh, no. You know what? I know where this is going. I know where this is going now.

Lash Legend: You’re right, Booker. What are you trying to do, Jaida? You’re talking all of this talk.

– A pier six brawl breaks out in the ring.

Mr. Stone: Hey, wait a second. Relax, ladies. Listen up, listen up. AVA gave me permission to let you know, if you don’t want to wait till Battleground, we’re going to have a 6-man tag team match, tonight.

– We see Charlie Dempsey talking to himself in the mirror. Charlie has been in a Tony D’Angelo style trance the last couple of weeks. Dempsey wants Kemp to make him proud and bring the Heritage Cup back to the family. He forces Damon Kemp to say the word capiche.

Second Match: Thea Hail w/Chase University & Ridge Holland vs. Jazmyn Nyx 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Nyx backs Hail into the turnbuckles. Hail rolls Nyx over for a one count. Nyx kicks the left hamstring of Hail. Quick shoving contest. Nyx with another hamstring kick. Hail with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Hail applies a wrist lock. Hail kicks Nyx in the chest. Hail with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Hail applies an arm-bar. Hail kicks the left knee of Nyx. Hail applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Nyx rolls Hail over for a two count. Hail drops down on the canvas. Hail with a deep arm-drag. Hail ducks a clothesline from Nyx. Hail with a twisting arm-drag. Hail with a Running Hip Attack. Nyx reverses out of the irish whip from Hail. Nyx with a Pop Up Chest Kick. Nyx drops Hail with The PK.

Nyx tugs on Hail’s hair. Nyx drives Hail face first into the canvas. Nyx wraps the left shoulder of Hail around the middle rope. Nyx with The Swinging Arm-Ringer. Nyx talks smack to Hail. Nyx applies an arm-bar. Nyx stomps on the left hand of Hail. Hail kicks Nyx in the chest. Hail side steps Nyx into the turnbuckles. Hail with The Divorce Court. Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne finally arrive at the ringside area. Hail with two diving polish hammers. Hail thrust kicks the midsection of Nyx. Hail with a SomerSault NeckBreaker. Hail delivers The World’s Littlest Slam. Hail with a Rolling Senton Splash. Hail shakes the ropes. Hail gets distracted by Duke and Riley. Hail kicks Nyx in the gut. Hail with forearm shivers. Hail applies The Kimura Lock. Nyx backs Hail into the referee. Nyx connects with The Pele Kick to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jazmyn Nyx via Pinfall 

– We see Ethan Page coming out of AVA’s office. He’s been enjoying talking business, but he wants AVA to look over his demands. AVA tells Mr. Stone that dealing with Ethan has been a nightmare.

– The Good Brothers attacks Axiom & Nathan Frazer in the NXT Merchandise Truck outside of the WWE Performance Center.

– Shawn Spears clocks Josh Briggs with a steel chair. Spears tells Briggs to get up and show him something. Spears gets into a massive brawl with Je’Von Evans. Spears goes for a Pedigree on the announce table, but Evans counters with a Back Body Drop. Evans nails Spears with a Springboard Cutter.

– Sarah Schreiber had a backstage interview with Tony D’Angelo. How does he feel about defending his Heritage Cup for the first time? These heritage cup matches are very unique. It wasn’t his kind of express, but he’s come to like the taste. Luca has told The Don everything about the catch clause. The Family is in control now.

Third Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) w/The Family vs. Damon Kemp w/The No Quarter Catch Crew For The WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship 


Angelo avoids the double leg takedown. Kemp rolls Angelo over for a one count. Kemp with a fireman’s carry takeover. Kemp with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Kemp follows that with The La Magistral for a two count. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Angelo with a flying forearm smash. Angelo with Mafia Punches. Angelo with The Butterfly Suplex. Kemp responds with a Belly to Back Suplex. Kemp repeatedly stomps on Angelo’s chest. Kemp whips Angelo across the ring. Kemp scores the elbow knockdown for a two count. Angelo reverses out of the irish whip from Kemp. Angelo blocks The O’Connor Roll. Angelo kicks Kemp in the gut. Angelo hits The Forget About It to score the first pinfall of this match.


Angelo kicks Kemp in the gut. Kemp scrambles to make distance. Kemp with a toe kick. Kemp applies a front face lock. Kemp with a double leg takedown. Angelo avoids The Double Foot Stomp. Angelo with a double leg takedown of his own. Angelo applies the single leg crab. Angelo with clubbing blows to Kemp’s back. Kemp hooks the outside leg for a two count. Kemp with The Swinging Arm-Ringer. Kemp drops Angelo with The Divorce Court for a two count. Kemp applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Angelo turns Kemp inside out. Double Lariat as time expires. Angelo and Kemp started throwing bombs at each other after the round concluded.


Rockers Punches. Angelo repeatedly whips Kemp back first into the turnbuckles. Angelo talks smack to Kemp. Kemp drives Angelo face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Kemp with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Kemp clotheslines Angelo. Kemp with a Running Double Foot Stomp. Kemp with a Running Splash. Kemp follows that with an inside cradle for a two count. Kemp ducks a clothesline from Angelo. Kemp kicks Angelo in the gut. Kemp with a drop down uppercut. Kemp with The Bridging German Suplex for a two count. Kemp applies a waist lock. Kemp with a waist lock takedown. Angelo with three sharp elbow strikes. Kemp answers with another German Suplex for a two count. Kemp maintains waist control. Kemp delivers his third German Suplex of this round for a two count. Angelo backs Kemp into the turnbuckles. Angelo flings Kemp across the ring. Angelo with two clotheslines. Angelo with a straight right hand. Angelo follows that with Two Side Belly to Belly Suplex’s. Angelo with a Corner Spear. Angelo puts Kemp on the top turnbuckle. Kemp HeadButts Angelo. Kemp with The Rolling Death Valley Driver. The Don got saved by the bell as the referee was making the three count.


Angelo connects with The SpineBuster to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Tony D’Angelo (2-0) via Pinfall 

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with AVA. How are the contract negotiations going with Ethan Page? AVA wanted him to sign the contract in her office just like everybody else, but he was very insistent on signing it in front of the crowd tonight. She says that there’s stuff that she needs to approve before he starts considering himself an NXT Superstar. Trick Williams wants AVA to give Ethan Page whatever he wants. If Ethan wants to sign the contract in front of the world, Trick Willy will make sure that the pen hits the paper.

– Jordynne Grace reunites with Michin in the backstage area. Sol Ruca introduced herself to Jordynne. She’s a very a big fan of hers. Jaida Parker walks into the scene and is tired of all of the ass kissing going around. Michin says that she’s going to put a muzzle around Jaida’s mouth soon. Arianna Grace joins the conversation. They’re not related despite having the same last name. Arianna says that she’s pretty sure that Roxanne Perez is not happy with the idea of Jordynne becoming a double champion, they’re very close friends. Tatum Paxley loves talking about championships. Jordynne says that the TNA Knockouts World Championship is the most important thing to her. Arianna says that her crown is more important. As Jordynne walks away, Tatum gives us a hint that she wants a shot at the Knockouts Title.

– We got a video package hyping up the Shayna Baszler/Lola Vice NXT Underground Match at NXT Battleground.

Fourth Match: Natalya w/Karmen Petrovic vs. Izzi Dame

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Dame applies a side headlock. Natalya whips Dame across the ring. Dame drops Natalya with a shoulder tackle. Dame poses for the crowd. Dame taunts Natalya. Dame kicks Natalya in the gut. Dame whips Natalya across the ring. Natalya ducks under two clotheslines from Dame. Dame blocks The Crucifix Bomb. Dame repeatedly backs Natalya into the turnbuckles. Natalya avoids The Helluva Kick. Natalya with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Natalya drives Dame face first into the canvas. Natalya runs over Dame’s back. Natalya dropkicks Dame to the floor. Dame throws Natalya into the steel ring steps. Dame rolls Natalya back into the ring.

Dame applies The Canadian BackBreaker. Dame drops Natalya with The Big Boot for a two count. Dame applies The Abdominal Stretch. Natalya hammers down on the left knee of Dame. Natalya sends Dame across the ring. Dame with a toe kick. Dame goes for a PowerBomb, but Natalya counters with a Hurricanrana. Natalya with The Discus Lariat for a two count. Dame kicks Natalya in the face. Dame with a quick rollup for a one count. Natalya applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Rollup Exchange. Dame dumps Natalya neck first on the top turnbuckle pad. Dame transitions into a corner mount. Natalya with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Dame blocks The Sharpshooter. Second Rollup Exchange. Natalya shifts her weight over to pickup the victory.

Winner: Natalya via Pinfall 

– Axiom & Nathan Frazer are not backing down to The Good Brothers. They plan on kicking their ass on Sunday, and leaving Las Vegas, still your NXT Tag Team Champions.

– Gallus viciously attacked Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont during the commercial break.

Gallus, Oba Femi and Wes Lee Segment 

Joe Coffey: Sorry not sorry. Wrong place. Wrong time, lads.

Mark Coffey: Now that we’re back to being a full squad, not like last week, when Wolfie was banned from ringside.

Wolfgang: But it’s alright for Sexxy Red to be in the corner of Trick and Je’Von.

Joe Coffey: You see that there is the problem.

Mark Coffey: No, that is one of the problems.

Joe Coffey: You see, maybe if we cared about TikTok or if maybe we had a million followers or if we took beach selfies with AVA or if we shook our ass up and down or if we played another sport, the WWE Universe would respect us. And Wolfie, if you were there last week, we would’ve had our starting lineup, and it would’ve been another victory for the Gallus crew.

Mark Coffey: You are absolutely right, Joe. But they don’t respect us here. They don’t even care about us. We are not here for online clout. We are not here to be social media influencers. No, we are here to be professional wrestlers.

Wolfgang pokes fun at this generation of superstars.

Joe Coffey: What you see before you are three grown men. And on Sunday, we’ve got our business to take care of. There’s a Triple Threat Match, and you know what that means. It means anything goes, and we will do anything to Battleground to make sure I’m leaving with the North American Championship.

Oba Femi: Gents, gents, it would be foolish for me to regard you as anything less than extremely dangerous. But the three of you as a collective, you have caused chaos all across the division. But Mark, Wolfgang, listen to me, you can try to help your brother, Joe, but I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. The outcome remains the same.

Wes Lee: Hey, yo, back here. Hey, look, everybody is saying their peace right now, but in order for me to win my championship back, I’m going to have to go three angry Scottish men, hell bent on mayhem, and the most dominant superstar in the game right now. Cardiac Kid is ready to do what he has to do.

Gallus jumps Oba Femi. Wes Lee joins the fray. All hell is breaking loose in Winter Park. Gallus has the numbers advantage. Joe drops Oba with All’s Best For The Bells. Gallus plants Lee with their Running Boot/Flapjack Combination.

– Wendy Choo Vignette.

– Lexis King got into a huge backstage brawl with Dante Chen.

Fifth Match: Lash Legend, Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan vs. Jaida Parker, Michin and Sol Ruca In A 6-Woman Tag Team Match 

Kelani Jordan and Sol Ruca will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Side Headlock Takeover/Headscissors Escape Exchange. Ruca whips Jordan across the ring. Ruca drops down on the canvas. Jordan goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Jordan ducks a clothesline from Ruca. Both ladies showcase their agility. Parker and Legend are tagged in. Legend carries Jordan over the top rope. Parker kicks Legend in the gut. Parker applies a side headlock. Legend whips Parker across the ring. Parker runs into Legend. Hair Pull/Gut Punch Exchange. Legend pulls Parker down to the mat. Legend goes for a Splash, but Parker ducks out of the way. Parker hooks the outside leg for a one count. Parker applies an arm-bar. Parker tags in Michin. Michin ducks a forearm smash from Legend. Michin applies a side headlock. Legend whips Michin across the ring. Michin runs into Legend. Michin mocks Parker.

Michin with a Hurricanrana. Michin with The Helluva Kick. Legend reverses out of the irish whip from Michin. Michin ducks a clothesline from Legend. Henley drives her knee into Michin’s back. Michin takes a swipe at Henley. Legend rocks Michin with a forearm smash. Legend tags in Henley. Henley with a Sliding Haymaker. Henley repeatedly stomps on Michin’s chest. Henley is choking Michin with her boot. Henley drives Michin face first into the canvas. Henley slams Michin’s head on all three corner pads. Henley tags in Legend. Legend is putting the boots to Michin. Legend repeatedly whips Michin back first into the turnbuckles for a two count. Legend applies an arm-bar. Michin with heavy bodyshots. Legend pulls Michin down to the mat. Legend with clubbing shoulder blocks. Legend blocks The Sunset Flip. Legend with a face plant for a two count.

Legend applies an arm-bar. Legend drives her knee into the midsection of Michin. Legend sends Michin to the corner. Michin kicks Legend in the face. Michin decks Henley with a back elbow smash. Legend stops Michin in her tracks. Michin rolls under a clothesline from Legend. Jordan and Parker are tagged in. Jordan ducks a clothesline from Parker. Jordan scores two forearm knockdowns. Jordan with a Cartwheel Back Elbow. Jordan pops back on her feet. Jordan ducks a clothesline from Parker. Jordan with The Olympic Slam. Parker catches Jordan in mid-air. Parker with a BackBreaker. Parker lays Jordan flat on the middle turnbuckle. Parker slaps Jordan in the ribs. Parker with The Springboard Banzai Drop. Parker with The Dragon Sleeper Suplex for a two count. Parker tags in Michin. Michin shoves Parker. Michin whips Jordan across the ring. Michin delivers The Pounce. Michin applies The Bow and Arrow Stretch. Jordan falls on top of Michin for a two count.

Michin dropkicks Jordan. Michin applies a front face lock. Parker tags herself in. Parker applies The Abdominal Stretch. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx appears on the stage. Parker goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Jordan counters with The Stunner. Ruca and Henley are tagged in. Ruca with a Springboard Clothesline. Ruca takes a running swipe at Legend. Ruca with a running shoulder tackle to Henley. Henley punches Ruca in mid-air. Henley repeatedly stomps on Ruca’s chest. Henley sends Ruca to the corner. Henley with a running back elbow smash. Henley drops Ruca with a Twisting Flatliner. Ruca responds with The Roundhouse Kick. Ruca dives over Henley. Misfired Clotheslines. Both ladies are knocked down after a double clothesline. Michin sends Parker over the top rope. Legend made the blind tag. Michin and Parker starts brawling towards the backstage area. Legend applies The Full Nelson Lock. Henley punches Jordan. Jordan with a Flatliner. Legend nails Jordan with The Pump Kick. Ruca connects with The Sol Snatcher to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jaida Parker, Michin and Sol Ruca via Pinfall 

– Eddy Thorpe Vignette.

Trick Williams, Ethan Page, AVA Segment 

AVA: Alright, Mr. All Ego. You wanted to do this publicly, so here we are. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Ethan Page. Now, Ethan, this is not how I like to handle business, but against my better judgement, I’m making an exception. So, could we please just get this finished?

Ethan Page: Yeah, no, no, no. Honestly. Listen, AVA, I’m sorry, did you get invited to come out here to sign a contract to NXT? No, how about you shut the hell up? But, AVA, I want to thank you.

AVA: Ethan, we really need to get this signed.

Ethan Page: Well, you’re getting Ethan Page, so relax. Look, I want to thank you, but you have to understand one thing. You’re going to have to get used to this Ethan Page calling the shots thing, because if, and that’s a huge if, I sign this contract, I’m going to get a lot of perks that nobody else in the locker room is going to get, and I don’t think they’re going to like that very much. I don’t think you’re going to like that very much. But to be honest, I really don’t give a damn, because I’ve earned that, okay? Because I’m tired of waiting and sitting around for these opportunities. Now I’m going to take them. I’m a little frustrated, but you should have a giant smile on your face because you’re about to sign the wrestler, with the biggest upside in professional wrestling.

AVA: Ethan, those are some very bold claims, but honestly, I’m not signing anyone with these demands.

Ethan Page: No, no, no, you are signing, and you’re signing this contract on live TV, tonight, because you need to sign Ethan Page. Hey, hold on, listen, please. Everybody here knows. Everybody watched the draft. NXT lost, what, eight of its top stars, leaving a giant void, perfectly sized for Ethan Page to fill, and become the face of NXT, and to take this brand to new heights, and to our new home. But you know what, I’m here for the opportunity. I understand there’s a lot of money in this contract, but to be honest with you, I could’ve sat my ass at home for the last two years and collected a check. But I ain’t about that. Ethan Page wants the opportunity, because I hear that, in NXT, talent grants opportunity. And I know when you look at me, AVA, you might hate me with every ounce of you, but you know I’m talented, you know I’m a megastar. Shut the hell up. But more importantly, you know that I’ve earned, and I deserve the ego that I have, because so far in this ring tonight, I haven’t said anything that’s an opinion. No, no, no, I’m only spitting facts. Hey, cut the music. Trick, listen, I don’t know if you know me or not, but I’ve been around the block a couple of times. I’ve seen how these things go. Neither of us are getting put through a table tonight, because Ethan Page only showed up to handle business.

Trick Williams: So, let’s handle business then. AVA, please give this man, Ethan Page, whatever he wants, so Trick Williams and every other person in this building can get exactly what we want, and that’s me to whoop your ass. You see, I know you’re new here, Ethan, so let me help you out, and tell you how things go. You listen to me. I’m Trick Williams. This is my house. I’ve been here for a little minute now, 2.0 to be exact. I got a few boys in the back that were there with me the whole time. And this crowd here, they’ve been here with me this whole time, too. Through the ups, through the downs, through everything in between, they’ve been here. See, my problem with you is, you think you just come to NXT, my house, my home, jump the line, jump me, the NXT Champion. You must be crazy. So, this is how we’re going to do it. I’m going to make an example out of you, Ethan. For every other man in every other business around the world, who thinks you can fly into NXT and get a title opportunity. Because of you, I’m taking you out. Ethan, let me make this crystal clear, make sure you open your ears, so you hear what Trick Williams is telling you. Man-to-man.

Ethan Page: Woah, woah, woah. You’re stepping a little bit too close there. And I think you need to chill out. I said we’re doing business, okay? Calm down. But I understand why you’re so emotional, and you’re angry, because you have every right to be. The last time we crossed paths, I knock you into Lash, I grab that title, held it up for the entire world to see. It was a whole thing, you have every right to be pissed off. But listen to me very clearly, Trick. You and I, whether these people like it or not, have a lot more in common than you think. Oh, I’ve been watching. I saw you with Carmelo Hayes. I saw the spotlight on him, and you in his shadow. And I’ve been in that position a hundred times over in my career. But the only difference is, I wasn’t able to do what you did, and I respect you for that. You broke out. You took that spotlight, and put it where you wanted it, on you. And now you are the NXT Champion. But listen to me, Trick, with that title comes the responsibility of that giant ass target on your back. But more importantly, it comes with that spotlight that Ethan Page, oh, I crave that spotlight. So, it wasn’t anything personal when I attacked you. No, it was me making an opportunity for me. So, AVA, I think I’m ready to sign that contract. And now all we need is the general manager’s signature.

Trick Williams: AVA, please sign the dog-gone contract.

AVA: Trick, I can’t agree to stipulations in this contract.

Trick Williams: So, what’s the problem? Why not?

Ethan Page: Because if she signs the contract, she’s signing on for two things, Trick. One, she’s giving me my first match in this company this Sunday at Battleground, for this NXT Title. And two, she’s signing on the end of the Whoop That Era.

Trick Williams: AVA, you have been here for a long time. We built this place together. Let me make this crystal clear. You can’t end nothing, dog. On come June 9th, at Battleground, you’re going to be hearing one thing. Best believe you’ll be hearing one thing. NXT, tell him what we’re going to do.

– A loud Whoop That Trick chant breaks out. AVA signs the contract and makes the match official as the show goes off the air.

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