WWE SmackDown Results 5/31/24

WWE SmackDown Results 5/31/24
MVP Arena
Albany, New York

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Nia Jax’s Coronation 

Nick Aldis: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SmackDown, live from the MVP Arena in Albany, New York. Now, folks, as the GM, there’s no better feeling in the world than when one of your top draft picks comes through in the clutch. And, ladies and gentlemen, the superstar I’m about to introduce, well, they did just that. So, join me now, if you will, and please welcome the 2024 Queen Of The Ring, The Irresistible Force, Nia Jax. Nia, congratulations, the floor is yours.

Nia Jax: Let’s get the facts straight. It’s a fact that I am your Queen Of The Ring. And it’s a fact, that as your queen, I get a title shot at SummerSlam. So, Bayley, your queen is commanding your presence, in her ring, right now.

Piper Niven and Chelsea Green attacked Bayley during her entrance. Niven repeatedly whipped Bayley into the ringside barricades. Niven HeadButts Bayley. Niven plants Bayley with a Running Crossbody Splash.

Chelsea Green: Nia, sweetie, you don’t have to worry about facing Bayley. Because by the time SummerSlam rolls round, your new WWE Women’s Champion is going to be my sweet pea, best friend, little spicy margherita, Piper Niven.

Nia Jax: I don’t give a damn who the champion is, because I’m going to annihilate her, regardless.

– An Uncle Howdy QR Code flashed on the screen as Nick Aldis was walking into his office.

AJ Styles & Nick Aldis Backstage Segment 

AJ Styles: I thought about what you said last week. And if there’s some time, I would appreciate addressing my future, tonight.

Nick Aldis: Well, I can definitely find you the time, AJ. It’s not a problem. Is there something you want to tell me?

AJ Styles: It’s going to be hard enough to do it once, so if it’s okay with you, just once in the ring, tonight. It’s all that I need.

Nick Aldis: I understand. You got your time.

AJ Styles: Thank you, Nick, I appreciate it.

– Naomi checks in on Bayley inside the trainer’s room. Naomi says that Chelsea & Piper can’t get away with that. She asks Bayley if she could fight tonight. Bayley is medically cleared to compete despite the attack. Naomi tells Bayley that she has her back and she’s going to ask Nick Aldis to make this match official.

First Match: Tommaso Ciampa w/Johnny Gargano vs. Austin Theory w/Grayson Waller

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Theory backs Ciampa into the turnbuckles. Theory taunts Ciampa. Ciampa shoves Theory. Ciampa ducks a clothesline from Theory. Ciampa with a straight right hand. Ciampa with a knife edge chop. Ciampa kicks Theory in the gut. Ciampa whips Theory across the ring. Ciampa scores the elbow knockdown. Ciampa mocks Theory. Ciampa with a blistering chop. Ciampa transitions into a corner mount. Ciampa knocks Waller off the ring apron. Theory drops Ciampa with The Ushigoroshi. Theory is choking Ciampa with his boot. Theory with repeated back elbow smashes in the corner. Ciampa kicks Theory in the face. Ciampa decks Theory with a back elbow smash. Misfired Clothesline. Theory with a NeckBreaker onto the floor. Theory has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Theory applies a rear chin lock. Ciampa gets back to a vertical base. Ciampa with heavy bodyshots. Theory drives Ciampa back first into the turnbuckles. Theory scores the elbow knockdown. Ciampa dropkicks Theory in mid-air. Ciampa with a chop/haymaker combination. Theory reverses out of the irish whip from Ciampa. Ciampa ducks under two clotheslines from Theory. Ciampa with a Leaping Clothesline. Ciampa with The Reverse DDT for a two count. Ciampa tees off on Theory. Ciampa goes for a NeckBreaker, but Theory blocks it. Theory denies The Fairy Tale Ending. Theory kicks Ciampa in the back of the head. Theory hits The Ataxia for a two count. Theory goes for The A-Town Down, but Ciampa lands back on his feet. Chop/Forearm Exchange. Double Big Boot. Theory with a back elbow smash. Ciampa responds with a Running Knee Strike. Waller rolls Theory back into the ring. Waller talks smack about DIY. Ciampa shoves Theory into Waller. Ciampa rolls Theory over to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa via Pinfall 

– Blair Davenport was not happy that Naomi interrupted her conversation with Nick Aldis. Naomi tells Nick that her and Bayley want to have a tag match tonight against Piper Niven and Chelsea Green. Normally, Naomi would introduce herself, but she doesn’t know who Blair Davenport is. Blair says that sooner or later Naomi will definitely know who Blair Davenport is. Aldis makes the tag match official. LA Knight joins the conversation. He asks Nick if AJ Styles is really retiring tonight. Aldis is not sure as of this moment. LA has been surveying the backstage area, and he wants to know where Logan Paul is. Aldis tells Knight to take a seat as we head into the commercial break.

LA Knight Backstage Interview

Kayla Braxton: Excuse me, LA Knight, do you have an update with your conversation with Nick Aldis?

LA Knight: Look at you, you, little nosey nelly. How long have you been waiting out here for a story. Let me talk to you. You want to know what we’re talking about in there? You want to know the questions I was asking? You want to know the answers he was giving, right? You can answer. You don’t want to answer? Okay, yeah, you were looking for it. So, I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. Here’s the answer I can give you. There’s not much to tell you. Nick didn’t have much for me. The only answer he had for me is that Logan Paul is not here this week. So, I guess that means, I’ll just talk to you next week. Wrong, because I’m here, I’m here in Albany, I’m here at SmackDown. YEAH! And what that means is, if I’m not gonna get the answer I want, then I’ll tell you what, I’ll make the answer I want. So, what I’m telling you right now, Logan Paul, I want that United States Championship. And speaking of creeping around, what do you want?

Carmelo Hayes: Hey, Kayla, what’s up with your boy? He’s always doing all of this talking, but he’s never really saying nothing. Look, why would LA want to face you, when a first-round draft pick is standing right here?

LA Knight: Well, if I face myself, I would be looking in the mirror. You’re talking about Logan, right? Yeah, let’s get it right. Get your names right.

Carmelo Hayes: Look, truth is, he knows ball, and you ain’t that. So, next time he leaves you on read, you tell him this. If you want to talk the talk, then you’re the guy. But if you want to walk the walk, then I’m HIM.

LA Knight: Trash.

Second Match: Andrade El Idolo vs. Apollo Crews 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Standing Switch Exchange. Crews goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Idolo lands back on his feet. Idolo with a waist lock go-behind. Crews decks Idolo with a back elbow smash. Idolo dropkicks Crews. Idolo with a Belly to Back Suplex for a one count. Idolo stomps on Crews chest. Idolo gets distracted by Angel Garza. Crews dropkicks Idolo off the ring apron. Crews drops Idolo with The Apron MoonSault. Crews has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Idolo HeadButts Crews. Idolo with a Flying Crossbody Block. Forearm Exchange. Bodyshot Exchange. Crews whips Idolo across the ring.

Idolo ducks a clothesline from Crews. Idolo with a flying forearm. Idolo pops back on his feet. Idolo hits The Shotgun Meteora for a two count. Crews goes for The Olympic Slam, but Idolo counters with a deep arm-drag. Crews ducks a clothesline from Idolo. Crews with a German Suplex. Idolo holds onto the top turnbuckle pad. Idolo kicks Crews in the face. Crews with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Crews with The Delayed Press Slam. Crews follows that with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Crews takes a swipe at Garza. Idolo drops Crews with The Discus Back Elbow. Idolo connects with The Message to pickup the victory. After the match, the rest of Legado Del Fantasma appears on the stage. They are trying to curry favor with Idolo. Idolo proceeds to walk past Santos Escobar, and that made him very upset.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo via Pinfall 

– We see Solo Siko talking to The Guerrillas Of Destiny in the backstage area. He wants them to put an end to The Street Profits. Paul Heyman tells Solo that he’s been doing a lot of introspection lately, about how he can better serve Solo while he’s in charge. With Roman as The Tribal Chief, there was a lot of violence in The Bloodline, but that was to preserve the family. And before Roman ever said yes to an act of violence, there was a lot of counsel from The Wiseman. He sees that Solo is recruiting very violent men into The Bloodline, and all he’s seeing is random acts of violence, but no strategy at all. The strategy has to be that, when Roman Reigns comes back, they have Cody Rhodes in check. Solo says that they got Cody Rhodes in check, and he doesn’t even realize it. Heyman wants to what Solo is trying to imply with that comment. Solo tells Heyman that he has a strategy, in the meantime, The Wiseman better fix this Kevin Owens problem, now.

– Coming out of the commercial break, Angel Garza wants to know why Andrade El Idolo stood up Legado Del Fantasma. Apollo proceeds to attack Garza from behind. The referees had to restrain Crews. Crews wants Garza to stay out of his business.

Kevin Owens & Paul Heyman Segment 

Kevin Owens: Thank you. Last week, I made my return to SmackDown, and I went all the way to Saudi Arabia to do it, because I wanted to make sure that I had Randy Orton’s back. Because over the last few months, Randy Orton, actually, scratch that, over the last few years, Randy Orton has had my back. And I wanted to make sure that Solo and his crew weren’t going to ruin Randy’s chances at becoming King Of The Ring. Now, Randy isn’t the King Of The Ring, but we all saw what happened in that match. He really didn’t lose. And while Randy is not here tonight, he’s at home recuperating, I do know who is here, and that happens to be Solo and his little crew. So, I figured, I would be here, too.

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. I have served for almost four years as special counsel and The Wiseman to your Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns. And in his absence, I serve as The Wiseman for Solo and The Bloodline. And it’s within that capacity, Kevin Owens, that I come out here tonight, to talk to you, man-to-man, professional-to-professional, father-to-father, as I think there’s a mutual interest at the moment that I’m hoping I can serve.

Kevin Owens: Paul, just get in the ring, and get to the point. I just said, get in the ring.

Paul Heyman: I don’t think there’s a person in this arena tonight that wants Roman here more than I do. And here’s why, you keep calling out Solo’s name. And, you know, Roman Reigns had and has great respect for you, and anything that you went through with Roman Reigns is because of how much he respected you, admired you, and dare I say, acknowledged you as a true threat to his championship. Solo has no respect for you. And he is recruiting these criminals into The Bloodline. We, Roman Reigns and I, turned down every new member of The Bloodline because we did background checks on them, and we didn’t want these people in The Bloodline, representing The Bloodline. These are the people that you are picking a fight with, Kevin. These are the people that you’re antagonizing. These are the people that, they’re not even people, they’re just blood thirsty, sadistic thugs. They’re not looking for a reason to take you out. They’re looking for any excuse to take you out. And that’s bad for WWE. I like you in WWE. They love you in WWE. And if you keep on calling out Solo’s name, they are going to do something really bad about it. I am asking you, I’m pleading with you, Kevin Owens, I am begging you, back off The Bloodline, please.

Kevin Owens: Are you really out here acting like you’re trying to help me?

Paul Heyman: Yes, I am trying to help you.

Kevin Owens: What in the last few years has made you believe that I would ever, ever put any trust into anything that comes out of your mouth, huh? I’m not falling for this act. You think I don’t know that this is all you. You’re pulling the strings. This is your MO. This is what you do. You went from Brock to Roman. And now that Roman lost the title, who’s your next cash cow, who’s the next one to keep you relevant? Well, it’s Solo. I’m not falling for it. I had that figured out, but I don’t know what this little act is about. What are you trying to do? Are you trying to make sure that everybody fears them? You’re trying to instill fear? Guess what, I fought The Bloodline for four years, and they gave me everything that they had. They threw me off of high things. They handcuffed me to those ropes. SuperKicked me 20 times. They even hit me with a golf cart, and I am still standing right here, and I had a great time. But that was The Bloodline. That was Roman Reigns, Jey and Jimmy Uso, guys that I, too, respect. That, Solo, and the two guys, that’s not The Bloodline, that’s just Solo and two guys I don’t want to know, I don’t care to know, and nobody wants here. So, you think for a second that I’m going to stop fighting them? Hell no, I will keep fighting them. In fact, I’ll do everything I can to get the hell out of my world, and this is my world. And as far as your help goes, I don’t want it, and I don’t need it.

Paul Heyman: Okay, maybe I’m not trying to help you. Maybe I’m just trying to save you. Have you ever think about that? Have you ever thought, maybe just maybe, I met your kids, you met my kids. And what, a man can’t redeem himself after all of these years? How many times have you redeemed yourself? But me, oh, no, let’s not think that Paul Heyman can ever redeem himself. Not Paul Heyman. Not Paul Heyman. He can never redeem myself. Why won’t you understand what you’re up against with these thugs? Why don’t you understand what I’m trying to do for you, right now? I’m a freaking Hall Of Fame Wiseman, but no, let’s not listen to the Hall Of Fame Wiseman, no, let’s just sit here, and think that I have some huge vision for the future of Solo taking over the entire The Bloodline. Why won’t anybody listen to me?

Heyman accidentally slams the microphone against Kevin’s chest. Kevin backs Heyman into the turnbuckles. The Bloodline makes their way down to the ring. The Street Profits arrives, and all hell starts breaking loose to close this segment.

Third Match: The Guerrillas Of Destiny w/Paul Heyman vs. The Street Profits w/B-Fab

This match started during the commercial break. Ford with repeated shoulder blocks in the corner. Ford unloads three knife edge chops. Tonga shoves Ford. Ford kicks Tonga in the gut. Ford with another round of shoulder blocks. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins with forearm shivers. Dawkins tags in Ford. Double Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Ford sends Tonga to the corner. Tonga launches Ford over the top rope. Ford with a straight right hand. Ford blasts Loa with The PK. Tonga knocks Ford off the ring apron. Loa whips Ford into the ringside barricade. Loa rolls Ford back into the ring. Tonga with clubbing blows to Ford’s chest. Tonga with a sliding clothesline for a two count. Tonga follows that with another sliding clothesline. Tonga tags in Loa. Loa drives Ford back first into the turnbuckles. Loa with a Running Powerslam. Loa tags in Tonga. Loa with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Tonga with The Slingshot Senton. Tonga kicks Ford in the chest for a two count.

Tonga with a gut punch. Tonga uppercuts Ford. Ford is displaying his fighting spirit. Ford ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins with two clotheslines. Tonga reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Dawkins leapfrogs over Tonga. Dawkins with a Corkscrew Uppercut. Dawkins with The Stinger Splash. Dawkins follows that with a Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Tonga kicks Dawkins in the chest. Loa tags himself in. Dawkins with a toe kick. Tonga reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Loa levels Dawkins with a Lariat. Loa with a Saito Suplex. Loa dumps Dawkins out of the ring. GOD uses the announce table as a weapon. Tonga with a flying clothesline off the steel ring steps. GOD has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Loa with clubbing blows to Dawkins chest. Loa tags in Tonga. Double HeadButt. Tonga transitions into a ground and pound attack. Tonga rams his boot across Dawkins face. Tonga repeatedly stomps on Dawkins chest. Tonga goes for the elbow drop, but Dawkins ducks out of the way. Dawkins side steps Tonga into the turnbuckles. Dawkins rocks Tonga with a forearm smash. Tonga blocks The Exploder Suplex. Tonga hammers down on the back of Dawkins neck. Dawkins creates distance with The Exploder Suplex. Ford and Loa are tagged in. Ford kicks Loa in the gut. Ford with clubbing blows to Loa’s back. Ford with a straight right hand. Loa ducks a clothesline from Ford. Loa goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet. Ford thrust kicks the midsection of Loa. Ford kicks Loa in the chest. Ford SuperKicks Loa. Ford with a Running Lariat. Ford drops Tonga with The Flapjack. Tip Up by Loa. Ford with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Ford with The Stinger Splash. Dawkins tags himself in. Doomsday Blockbuster to Loa for a two count. Dawkins launches Tonga over the top rope. Loa scores the elbow knockdown. Dawkins delivers The Ponce. Tonga made the blind tag. Dawkins hits The Cash Out. Dawkins tags in Ford. Ford connects with From The Heavens. Tonga plants Ford with The Running Flatliner to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Guerrillas Of Destiny via Pinfall 

– Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill are not phased at all by Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark. Indi Hartwell is upset with the powerful do because Candice LeRae got injured during their match at King And Queen Of The Ring. Indi doesn’t want Bianca to change the subject. Bianca says that she was returning the favor. A knee for a knee. And since Indi still wants to complain, Jade has absolutely no problem putting her on the shelf next to her buddy.

– Kayla Braxton had a backstage interview with Michin. The talk of the night has been the uncertainty regarding the future of AJ Styles. Can she shed any light on the rumors of AJ’s retirement? Michin says that AJ hasn’t been talking to The OC lately. Nia Jax wants to know why we’re talking about AJ Styles when the focus should be on Queen Nia. Michin is not happy that Nia interrupted her interview. Don’t step to the queen. Nia says that Michin is going to regret this decision.

Fourth Match: Bayley & Naomi vs. Piper Niven & Chelsea Green 

Bayley and Chelsea Green will start things off. Bayley ducks a clothesline from Green. Bayley with forearm shivers. Bayley whips Green across the ring. Bayley score the elbow knockdown. Green tags in Niven. Haymaker Exchange. Niven drives Bayley back first into the turnbuckles. Niven whips Bayley into the turnbuckles. Niven levels Bayley with The Body Avalanche. Niven tags in Green. Green kicks Bayley in the gut. Green applies a wrist lock. Bayley drops Green with The Saito Suplex. Bayley tags in Naomi. Bayley with a Sliding Lariat. Naomi with The Splitting Leg Drop for a two count. Naomi tags in Bayley. Double Irish Whip. Bayley and Naomi clotheslines Green over the top rope. Naomi lands The Suicide Dive. Naomi transitions into a ground and pound attack. Bayley with a flying forearm smash off the ring apron. Niven and Green regains control of the match during the commercial break. Niven applies The Cobra Clutch. Niven drives her knee into the midsection of Bayley. Green tags herself in. Green with a straight right hand. Niven clotheslines Bayley. Bayley kicks out of multiple pinning predicaments. Green takes a swipe at Naomi. The referee is trying to get Naomi out of the ring.

Bayley fights from underneath. Bayley with forearm shivers. Green drives Bayley back first into the turnbuckles. Green with clubbing shoulder blocks. Green tags in Niven. Bayley is displaying her fighting spirit. Niven stops Bayley in her tracks. Niven goes for a Bodyslam, but Bayley lands back on her feet. Bayley slides under Niven’s legs. Bayley with a series of up kicks. Niven stomps on the midsection of Bayley. Niven goes for a Senton Splash, but Bayley ducks out of the way. Naomi and Green are tagged in. Naomi clocks Green with The Roundhouse Kick. Naomi nails Green with The Heat Seeker. Naomi with a Flying Crossbody Block. Naomi dropkicks Niven off the apron. Naomi plays to the crowd. Naomi with The Hesitation Dropkick. Naomi connects with The Split Legged MoonSault for a two count. Niven pulls Green out of the ring. Naomi with The Corkscrew Pescado. Naomi rolls Green back into the ring. Niven shoves Naomi off the top turnbuckle. Green SuperKicks Naomi off the apron. Bayley tees off on Niven. Niven sweeps out the legs of Bayley. Niven sends Bayley knee first into the steel ring steps. Naomi denies The Unprettier. Naomi delivers The Rear View for a two count. Niven plants Naomi with a Running Crossbody Splash. Niven puts Green on top of Naomi to pickup the victory.

Winner: Piper Niven & Chelsea Green via Pinfall 

– Next week on SmackDown, Jade Cargill battles Indi Hartwell. Johnny Gargano will collide with Grayson Waller. Apollo Crews clashes with Angel Garza. Plus, The Anointing Ceremony For Tanga Loa.

– AJ Styles runs into Cody Rhodes in the backstage area. Both guys shake hands. AJ proceeds to whisper something into Cody’s ear. AJ wants The Good Brothers to accompany him to the ring.

Cody Rhodes & AJ Styles Segment 

AJ Styles: I got to tell you; I’ve been thinking about what Nick Aldis said over the last week. I dwelled on it. If I wanted another opportunity at Cody Rhodes for the WWE Championship, I would have to go to the back of the line. He’s doing his job, I understand that. And I dwelled on this, I thought about this all week. And I’m going to be honest with you guys, I just can’t do that at this point and time in my career. At this point and time in my life, I just can’t do that. I have been doing this for over two decades. I have been busting my body in these rings, blood, sweat, tears, all over the world, you better believe it, so I can become phenomenal. But this past week, my son graduated high school, and I got to be there.

We had his graduation party at my house, and it was beautiful, so many friends and family were there. And it was literally at that point, clarity hit me upside the head. How many of these have I missed? So instead of being “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, maybe I stay at home, and be a phenomenal dad. Gallows, Anderson, come here. I couldn’t have done this without you. I love you. You guys are better than friends, you are my brothers. So, if we have to do this one more time, let’s do it right. But before I go, Cody, I whispered something into your ear. I asked if you didn’t mind coming out here when I called you, and, well, Cody, now is the time. If you don’t mind, please.

So, before I came here to do what I got to do, I just wanted to look you in the eyes, face-to-face, and tell you that I had one of the greatest matches I’ve ever had at Backlash in Lyon, France. The crowd was electric. If I was going to have one last match, that would be it. But just so you know, this is still the house that AJ Styles built, and I called you out here to hand you the keys.

Cody Rhodes: We have only ever exchanged one text message between each other. After that match at Backlash, I wanted to know if you were okay, and your response, I’m all good, little bro. I can say a lot about the decision that you made, but what’s more important is that I say this, on behalf of myself, on behalf of the locker room that you were a big bro for, thank you very much, AJ Styles.

AJ gives Cody a big hug. He gets greeted with a wonderful response from the Albany crowd. Cody proceeds to raise AJ’s hand. AJ clotheslines Cody. AJ transitions into a ground and pound attack. AJ repeatedly stomps on Cody’s chest. AJ dumps Cody out of the ring. AJ throws Cody into the steel ring steps. AJ slams Cody’s face against the steel ring post. AJ plants Cody with The Styles Clash off the ring steps. AJ stands tall over Cody as the show goes off the air.

Checkout Episode 415 of The Hoots Podcast 

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