Dax Harwood Releases Statement On Four-Year Anniversary Of FTR In AEW

Four years is a long time.

In that amount of time, Dax Harwood and FTR have had quite a few memorable battles in All Elite Wrestling.

On Monday, the pro wrestling veteran surfaced on social media and released the following statement about the four-year anniversary of FTR in AEW.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t speak on our 4 year Anniversary here at AEW. Sometimes, online, I get a lot of flack for either defending AEW too often, or being soft when it comes to the criticisms of the company. Mostly by ex-wrestling personalities who now have an outlet to speak and use AEW for clicks & likes, which is completely ironic because they all hope for the very worst for the company that they monetize the most from.

ANYWAY…I get a lot of flack, and sometimes, that does suck. However, without this company, I doubt I’d still be in wrestling. All I ever wanted was to do something GOOD for pro wrestling. That was never going to happen without AEW. I was watching my career and my hopes of a legacy in the industry that I’ve loved for over 30 years, fade away. Then AEW came along.

Now, I’ve had the greatest matches of my career; some even say the best tag matches of all time. I’ve become a 10 WORLD Tag Team Champion. I’ve won numerous awards from internationally reputable organizations. Above all, I’ve made a living that takes care of my family (yes I know I say it all the time) incredibly well, all because of AEW.

So yeah, maybe I do defend the company too much. Maybe I do defend my boss too much. But it’s all done from a place of absolute love and passion for this profession. A LOVE that we all, as fans, have! And if that makes me wrong, then I can deal with that.

Thank you AEW for 4 years. I’m looking forward to 40 more.

Top Guys, out.

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