AEW Double or Nothing 2024 Results

Vegas, baby, Vegas!

  • IWGP Heavyweight Championship Eliminator: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita
  • AEW TBS Championship: Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes Mone
  • FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Chris Jericho
  • AEW International Championship: Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb
  • Anarchy in the Arena: Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin, & FTR vs. The Elite
  • AEW TNT Championship Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match: Adam Copeland vs. Malakai Black
  • AEW World Heavyweight Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Double or Nothing 2024

Live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada! Taz, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Don Callis will start us off on commentary tonight.

Match #1. AEW International Championship: Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay

Ospreay looks for the Hidden Blade as Strong is posing and here we go! Ospreay misses a plancha to the outside but lands on his feet and sends The Kingdom over the top of the barricade with a pair of big boots. Strong Irish whips Ospreay into the barricade but Ospreay springboards off of it and lands on The Kingdom with a somersault plancha! Ospreay catapults Strong into the ringpost and the crowd is on their feet! Backbreaker by Ospreay only gets a one count. Ospreay looks for the Phenomenal Forearm but Bennett grabs him and puts him on his shoulders as Taven hits the ropes inside the ring and look for a Doomsday Device/suicide dive combo but Ospreay lands AWFULLY on his forehead and neck. Terrifying spot here and the referee checks on him, but Strong rolls him back inside the ring. Both Strong and Ospreay trade HARD chops now inside the ring, and that spot really took the wind out of the crowd’s sails. Scary. Backbreaker by Strong gets two. Strong seends Ospreay into the ropes but he handpsrings out with a flipping back kick. Ospreay kips up and The Kingdom gets involved again, allowing Wardlow to attack from behind but wait, the referee sees him too. The referee says everyone is gone or Strong loses the belt… nice touch. Strong charges Ospreay but it’s Cheeky Nandos in the corner! Sky Twister Press by Ospreay takes out everyone! The referee has now ejected the Undisputed Kingdom, with the help of security. Backflip by Ospreay and an enziguiri. Perfect Plex gets two. Ospreay goes up top but Strong crotches him. Ospreay fights him off and looks for the Phoenix Splash but lands on his feet, tweaking his knee. Back heel kick by Ospreay but Strong catches a leg and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf. Ospreay fights his way to the ropes but Strong locks him around the top and delivers some running elbows and a few unbelievably loud chops. Mat return by Strong gets two. Step-up enziguiri by Strong to Ospreay on the top and now Strong connects with a big superplex. Inverted End of Heartache by Strong! Long two count. Strong looks for a running single leg dropkick but Ospreay counters with mid-air Liger Bomb! Both men are down. Face-to-face now and both men just tee off on each other. Dropkick to the knee by Strong, focusing on the injured knee of Ospreay. The referee checks on Strong now as Ospreay waits in the corner, and Don Callis hops up on the apron. Callis hops off commentary and demands Ospreay uses the Tiger Driver 91. Ospreay has him up, and puts him down. Ospreay now looks for the Stormbreaker inside and Strong escapes. Sick kick. Fireman’s carry into a gut buster! Two count. Ospreay flips out of End of Heartache. Hidden Blade! Stormbreaker! One, two, three!

Winner and NEW AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Rating: ****. Excellent opening match, terrifying spot aside. Ospreay is one of the best in the world and Strong isn’t far behind him. The crowd was on their feet the whole time, and we’ve got a brand-new champion. Great stuff.

You know it’s all about the… BOOM! Adam Cole is here. Cole is walking pretty well to the ring it seems, too.

Who’s ready for story time with Adam Cole, baybay? Las Vegas… you all suck! Cole shouldn’t be out there, he should be hanging out with the rest of the Undisputed Kingdom, instead of being here. Nobody had any idea how much Cole has been through, and he’s one of the best of the generation. We do have a little devil inside all of us. When Cole is 100%, you will give the devil his due. And his name, is…

A video of MJF’s house, going through his room…

Burberry scarf! Music hits! It’s MJF!

MJF hits the ring… and Cole wants a hug. Cole gets a hug. MJF kicks him low! Brainbuster to Cole! Adam Cole, you noodle armed bobble headed son of a bitch! Someone get this s stain out of MJF’s ring. MJF gave Cole his trust, and he’ll never do that again. Cole didn’t take out MJF, he woke him up. His name is Maxwell Jacob Freidman, and he’s better than you… and you know it. Unlike everyone else, MJF doesn’t need a New Japan or Vince McMahon, because MJF made MJF. Back to your regularly scheduled MJF, back to being driven by hate. No more friendship, no more kangaroo kicks. Nobody’s safe.

MJF now picks up the devil mask. Mask’s are adorned by cowards who want to hide. MJF is done hiding and done being humble, and it’s not his fault all of everyone else’s favorites suck a big bad of donkey… well, you know. No one is on the level of… the devil. This stupid, goofy, grotesque, mask, and everything else it symbolizes.. can go straight to hell. MJF then tosses the mask in the crowd. MJF’s been betting on himself since day one, and in regards to his contract status, to quote one of the all-time greats… cameraman, zoom! MJF then shows a tattoo on his calf that says “bet on yourself” with an AEW casino chip. You can call him the Wolf of AEW, because… “I ain’t effin leaving!”

The crowd goes absolutely bananas. What a start.

Match #2. AEW World Trios Championship: Bang Bang Gang (c) vs. Death Triangle

Cazadora bomb and a triple team dropkick to Colten. Body slam by Fenix and a missile dropkick to the lower region by Penta. Tope con hilo by Penta and a somersault plancha off the top by Fenix! Pac hits the ropes but White cuts him off and Colten trips him up, right into a BRUTAL DDT by White. Two count. BBG now taking turns putting the boots to Pac, isolating him from the rest of the Death Triangle. Pac ducks under a double clothesline and tags Penta. Double clothesline by Penta and chops to everyone. Superkick by Fenix to Austin. Backstabber by Penta to Colten. Spinning back kick by Penta, superkick by Fenix, and a twisting Death Valley Driver by Penta all to Jay White! Two count. Kick combo by Pac but he runs into a huge chop. Rebound German suplex by Pac. Huge lariat by Austin! Running Destroyer to Austin. High angle Uranage by White to Fenix. Everyone is down. White runs into a huge boot from Pac and now Pac is looking for the Black Arrow. Pac lands on his feet and German suplexes Colten. One for Austin. Triple team running offense to White by Death Triangle. Fear Factor with a foot stomp from Fenix as Fenix launches himself over the top and to the floor to take out The Gunns. Pac wants the Black Arow but Juice Robinson is back and he shoves Pac off the top rope, right into the Bladerunner for the win!

Winners and STILL AEW World Trios Champions: Bang Bang Gang

Rating: ***. This one didn’t get as much time as I would have expected, but I assume there’s more meat on the bone here. It’s good to have Juice back, too.

Match #3. AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) w/ Luther & Mariah May vs. Serena Deeb

Storm sends Deeb up and over the top and onto the apron, where she follows up with a running hip attack that sends Deeb crashing to the floor. Deeb reverses a headlock and plants Storm on the floor with a twisting neckbreaker. Deeb rolls Storm back in the ring and gets a quick two. Deeb dives for an Octopus Hold but Storm makes her way to the rope and bites it for the rope break. Abdominal stretch by Deeb now before holding on to the leg and transitioning to a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Deeb spins Storm around and gets a two count off a back slide. Backstabber in the corner by Storm. DDT by Storm but she holds on and hits the Perfect Plex for a two count. Storm tries for the Sky High but Deeb transitions to an armbar. Deadlift by Storm into a powerbomb as Storm holds on to the legs and locks in the Texas Cloverleaf. Deeb fights out and delivers a bunch of palm strikes. Flying clothesline by Deeb and another one in the corner. Neckbreaker trough the ropes by Deeb. Another swinging neckbreaker by Deeb and Deeb is… kind of just starting at Storm and the fans. Both women trade reversals and Deeb connects with a German suplex and the Pepsi Twist. Two count. European uppercuts by Deeb and a cradle for two. Sky High by Storm! Two count. Deeb rolls through a clothesline attempt and locks in a single leg crab. Upkicks by Storm but Deeb locks it back in. Luther looks to throw in the towel but Mariah May won’t let him! Storm gets out of the single leg crab eventually as May throws the towel in the fans. Storm Zero! One, two, no! Storm now wants Storm Zero on the apron but Deeb escapes and dragon screws Storm through the ropes. Twice. Three times now. DeebTox on the apron by Deeb! Another DeebTox! One, two, no! Deeb heads up to the top rope and brings Storm up with her. Storm grabs Deeb’s hair and bounces her head off the top turnbuckle… Avalanche piledriver! Wow. Storm holds on, Storm Zero and this one is over!

Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

Rating: ***1/2. Really strong, technical match here. Deeb brought it and Storm is really untouchable at this point. Deeb had to go up top, out of her gameplan, and it cost her. Fun story, fun match.

Match #4. Orange Cassidy vs. Trent

Cassidy has gone back to his Pixies “Where is My Mind?” entrance music and hell yeah. Cassidy misses an Orange Punch early and Trent delivers some stiff chops. Cassidy now introduces Trent into all of the turnbuckles. Satellite DDT! Trent rolls to the outside and Cassidy follows up with an elbow suicida before breaking the count. Mounted punches in the corner of the guardrail by Cassidy. Don Callis is back on commentary, by the way. Trent goes to the eyes and then drops Cassidy throat-first over the rope. Trent is now toying with Cassidy and taking a lot of joy in it. High German suplex by Trent. Saito suplex by Trent and another German suplex. Clothesline in the corner by Trent and some big elbows. Cassidy looks him in the eyes and puts his hands in his pockets. Trent doesn’t care and beats on Cassidy some more with hard strikes in the corner. Cassidy is slunched over but powers himself off and then puts the boots to Trent, finishing with a running dropkick in the corner. Trent rolls to the apron and Cassidy tries to come off the top with a DDT, but Trent catches him. Trent wants a DDT on the apron but Cassidy fights out, only momentarily, and Trent drills Cassidy with a Gotch Style Piledriver! Trent now looks for the steel steps again, more specifically, the piledriver. Cassidy swipes the feet out and Trent lands flat back on the steps. Beach Break on the floor! Both guys are down. Back in the ring and Cassidy teases a hug, but settles for a Michinoku Driver for two. Rolling elbow by Trent. Cassidy tries for Stundog Millionaire but Trent catches him and sends him overhead with a half-and-half suplex! Dudebuster by Trent gets a long two count. Trent wants yet another piledriver but Cassidy counters with Beachbreak for two. Cassidy is up and he sets up for the Orange Punch, but Trent catches him and awkwardly transitions to the Gogoplata. Cassidy flips over Trent and holds on in a cradle for the three count!

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Rating: ***1/4. Fine wrestling match here, and that’s what this was supposed to be. Cassidy wearing a black shirt was a nice touch. Can I just say that, not everyone has to be a “shooter”? The Gogoplata doesn’t really work for him as a finish, and it just looks out of place.

Trent storms to the back but Rocky Romero and Renee are there. Renee wants to know what this means for Trent? Trent said he’s not doing this and he’s done, before leaving through the crowd.

Match #5. FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata

T-bone to Shibata. German suplex to Jericho. Hook sets up a table on the outside but Shibata kicks Jericho and Hook off the apron. Snap suplex by Jericho to Hook as Shibata gets sent into the guardrail. Jericho grabs a black bag early… and it’s a bag full of dice. Brainbuster on the dice by Shibata! Shibata now throws the dice in the face of Jericho as both men take turns beating on Jericho in the corner. Double backdrop driver by Hook and Shibata! Northern Lights by Hook but Shibata is up. FIGHTING SPIRIT. Belly-to-belly by Shibata! Hook and Shibata look under the ring and grab kendo sticks, and wait, here’s Jericho with one of his own. Jericho hits Hook and Shibata but they don’t react and beat Jericho down. Double kendo stick shots to the stomach of Jericho. Northern Lights suplex by Shibata to Jericho on the dice. Shibata sets a table up in the middle of the ring and Hook sets Jericho up on it. Hook heads up top and Shibata catches him. Death Valley Driver by Shibata to Hook on to Jericho! The table doesn’t break and everyone lands… super awkwardly. Shibata sets the table up in the corner and puts Jericho through it. Stalling dropkick in the corner to Jericho! Shibata locks in the Indian Deathlock on Jericho as he catches a boot from Hook and toe holds him! Hook upkicks his way out. Saito suplex by Hook and Shibata rolls to the outside. Codebreaker by Jericho to Hook for a two count. Jericho misses the Judas Effect and Hook hops on the back, locking in the RedRum. Jericho is about to tap but Big Bill is here to break up the pin. Bill goozles Hook and tries to chokeslam him off the apron through a table, but Hook counters and t-bones Bill through the table! Inside the ring, Jericho locks Shibata in the Walls of Jericho. Shibata sweeps Jericho and sets in the heel hook as Hook locks in the RedRum. A masked man hits the ring and takes out Hook and Shibata with a trash can. The masked man unmasks himself and it’s… Bryan Keith! Judas Effect to Shibata, who’s set up in the trashcan! One, two, three!

Winner and STILL AEW Champion: Chris Jericho

Rating: ***. This was way better than I expected, and it ended on a good note, at least for me… more Bryan Keith. Jericho hired a Bounty Hunter… smart.

Match #6. IWGP Heavyweight Championship Eliminator: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Moxley’s arm and shoulder are taped up from the attack earlier this week. Takeshitaline early and now the focus is on the injured arm. Hammerlock slam by Takeshita. Both guys fight to the apron and Takeshita snaps Moxley down shoulder-first with an arm ringer on the apron. Takeshita pins Moxley’s arm behind a chair in the corner of the guardrail and puts the boots to him, then sends Moxley shoulder-first into the steel steps. Running single-arm DDT inside the ring by Takeshita. Deadlift brainbuster out of nowhere by Takeshita! Crossface now by Takeshita but Moxley somehow fights to his knees before piefacing Takeshita. Moxley is daring Takeshita to hit him, and he is. Moxley fights back with everything but his injured arm, but he runs into a big boot. Takeshita charges and Moxley ducks underneath… Ace Crusher! Moxley looks for a triangle choke but Takeshita stands up… Last Ride! Two count. Moxley sends Takeshita to the outside and follows him with a suicide dive. Lariat by Moxley inside the ring! Takeshita goes to the arm again and Moxley stumbles. Overhook Tombstone by Takeshita, he holds on, and tosses Moxley with a wheelbarrow suplex! Takeshita calls for the Powerdrive Knee but Moxley counters with a Paradigm Shift and everyone is down. Elbows by Moxley. Elbows by Takeshita. Elbows by Moxley. HUGE wind up and elbow by Takeshita drops Moxley face-frist. Takeshita lets Moxley get up and then drills him with a Powerdrive Knee! One, two, no! Takeshita takes the elbow pad off and Moxley ducks underneath and locks the Bulldog Choke in. Moxley uses the shoulder wrap so he’s got to break the hold. Takeshita takes the wrapping all the way off and posts Moxley. Another vicious elbow strike. Takeshita wraps the wrap around Moxley’s neck… Death Rider! Moxley somehow kicks out at 2.99! Takeshita gets a pair of chairs from under the ring, as Don Callis told him to. Takeshita slides the chair in, and the referee removes it, before sliding in another chair and Moxley catches him with a curb stomp on it! Death Rider! This one’s over.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Rating: ***1/2. I don’t want to come across negatively here, but I feel like this match was just shy of reaching that next gear. I really appreciated the work on the arm, as it added a different wrinkle to the match, but some of it just felt a bit off. Takeshita looked great however, and the story of him losing because of the chair and Don Callis makes for some intrigue going forward.

Match #6. AEW TNT Championship Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match: Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black

Holy s. Tony Khan bought South of Heaven by Slayer for Adam Copeland. His tron references The Brood. Wow. There are weapons all over the ring and Copeland flapjacks Black. Copeland pulls some barbed wire off the cage and TRIES TO BLIND BLACK WITH IT. Shoulder block off the top by Copeland. Copeland wraps the barbed wire around the top turnbuckle and tries to blind Black with it, and then Black tries the same. Powerbomb by Copeland into the cage and then into the middle of the ring. Two count. Elbow by Black to the face of Copeland. Impaler DDT by Copeland out of nowhere, but he’s not done. Copeland wants the spear but Black moves. Black tries to catapult Copeland into the top turnbuckle with the barbed wire on it, but Copeland lands on the middle rope on his feet, until Black trips the legs out and Copeland lands face first! High kick by Black and now he’s found a barbed wire bat that he grates across the face of Copeland. Black looks for a ConChairTo with the bat but Copeland moves and cracks Black in the stomach with the bat! Another bat shot to the face, raking it across the top of the head of Black. Copeland sets up a table in the middle of the ring and heads up top, but Black kicks the legs out and Copeland gets crotched. Sunset flip powerbomb from the top by Black! One, two, no! Black sets Copeland up for the Black Mass, but Copeland connects with the spear at close range! Two count. Copeland sets up another table in the ring, and then drops Black with a stalling piledriver. Copeland sets Black up on the table and wraps Black AND the table in barbed wire, in essence, Black can’t move from the table. Black goes up to the top rope, nay, to the TOP OF THE CAGE. COPELAND DROPS AN ELBOW FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE! Copeland takes a bit to come to his sense and finally goes for the cover, only getting a two count. Copeland looks for another spear but runs right into the Black Mass! Two count only. Black pulls a t-shaped piece of metal that is covered in barbed wire, and he tries to stab Copeland with it but Copeland moves. Copeland heads to the apron now and Black push kicks Copeland directly through the cage door and to the floor. Black finally makes his way to the floor and walks into a spear from Copeland! Here comes Buddy Matthews and Brody King. Wait, King and Matthews align themselves with Copeland! Wait, nevermind, King annihilates Copeland with a lariat. All three members of the House of Black are in the ring, beating down Copeland. Black puts Copeland’s wedding ring around his neck on a necklace. Matthews and King now put a barbed wire crown of thorns around Copeland’s scalp and wrap it around his body. Copeland is about to be crucified, but wait, the red lights are back. GANGREL HAS COME FROM UNDERNEATH THE RING. GANGREL SPITS BLOOD IN THE FACE OF KING! THE FACE OF MATTHEWS! IMPLANT DDT TO BOTH GUYS! Black Mass by Black to Gangrel. Spear by Copeland, who’s wrapped in barbed wire. Crossface by Copeland with the barbed wire in the eyes and mouth of Black. Black goes out and the referee calls for the bell!

Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Adam Copeland

Rating: ****1/4. Top to bottom this ruled so hard. From Copeland coming out to Slayer, the brutality in the match, freakin’ Brood Copeland with Gangrel. Just great stuff here.

Don Callis is here with Lexi Nair. Don has a scoop. This week, Don Callis will be presenting a contract to a new member of the Don Callis family… on Dynamite.

Match #7. AEW TBS Championship: Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes Mone

Big fight feel here, Mercedes getting a superstar entrance. Willow is wearing white and Kris Statlander is wearing black, by the way. Hmm. Mercedes is emotional during her entrance. The fans are on their feet and nobody is sitting, this feels like a big deal and you’d have to imagine this is the exact reaction AEW was looking for. Mone bails early and makes Willow chase her, getting the upper hand early. Mone with a pair of lucha-esque arm drags early. Willow blocks a third and fires in some hard chops. Willow charges and Mone dumps her hard to the floor. Mone tries a baseball slide but Willow catches her in a gutwrench… Babe With the Powerbomb on the apron! Willow rolls Mone back in the ring and goes to the middle rope, but Mone trips her up and puts the boots to the ankle hooked over the rope. Diving Meteora by Mone. Two count. Crucifix by Mone before rolling through and into an ankle lock, as both women now paintbrush each other and eventually the hold is broken. Willow tries for a bodyslam but Mone escapes out the back and counters with a Backstabber. Mone tries a flying Octopus but Willow grabs an ankle lock of her own. Mone upkicks her way out of it and hits the ropes but gets POUNCEDDDDD across the ring. Spinebuster by Willow! High stack cover but Mone is out at 2. Justified “This is awesome” chants from the crowd. Willow tries for the Doctor Bomb again but Mone slips free and knees Willow in the face. Cradle by Willow and a deadlift powerbomb. Fisherman’s suplex by Willow gets a two count. Both women on the top rope now as Mone fights Willow off, sneaks behind her, and powerbombs her off the top! Two count. Mone now dives on a leg lace with a straight ankle lock but Willow gets to the ropes, rolling to the apron. Mone tries for a double stomp on the apron but Willow moves and chops out the bad ankle. Kneebreaker on the apron by Willow! Death Valley Driver into the buckle by Willow but she misses the cannonball. Mone stomps on Willow’s injured ankle. Diving Meteora off the middle rope by Mone! Two count. Willow rolls to the outside and Mone follows her with a diving Meteora off the apron. Mone shoves Statlander on the outside, as both Statlander and Stokely distract the referee, accidentally of course. Babe With the Powerbomb back inside the ring and Willow has the win but the referee doesn’t see it, and she eventually only gets a two count. STF by Mone but Willow somehow fights to the bottom rope. Mone goes up top and flips over Willow, trapping the arms, picking her up, and hitting the Mone Maker! New champ!

Winner and NEW AEW TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone

Rating: ****. These two absolutely delivered in a huge spot tonight. The story they told in the ring with the dueling ankle injuries, Willow having Mone beat, it was all done very well. I was expecting a Statlander heel turn but maybe not yet.

After the match, Stokely is in the ring with Kris and Willow. Stokely is hot at Willow and Statlander shoves him to the ground! Statlander helps Willow to the back but NO! Statlander bounces Willow’s head off the ramp and drops her with a discus lariat! AH HA. I *was* right!

Match #8. AEW World Heavyweight Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) w/ Prince Nana vs. Christian Cage w/ The Patriarchy

Swerve gets a really cool The Warriors inspired walk out, and away we go. Slow pace to start with both guys jockeying for position. Swerve looks for a vertical suplex but Christian escapes out the back and counters with a falling reverse DDT. Two count. Frog Splash by Christian gets a two count. Christian distracts the referee as Nick Wayne catches Swerve in the face with a right hand. Swerve reverses an Irish whip and Christian hits the top turnbuckle sternum-first. Christian goes up top and Swerve follows him, proving to be a mistake as Christian comes off the top with a sunset flip powerbomb. Christian looks for a spear now but Swerve sprawls and picks up Christian with a powerbomb into a powerslam. Two count. Swerve uses Christian’s turtleneck against him, covering Christian’s eyes and connecting with a neckbreaker. Swerve rolls Christian to the apron and hits a neckbreaker over the middle rope as Christian falls to the floor. Fosbury Flop by Swerve and Christian ate a foot pretty hard there. Chrisitan gets rolled in the ring and Swerve comes off the top with a diving crossbody. Mother Wayne grabs the title and Prince Nana grabs the title from her, but then Nick Wayne alerts the referee and he throws out Nana! Killswitch and Nick Wayne attack Christian on the far side of the ring, as Mother Wayne distracts the referee. Killswitch accidentally headbutts Christian and then gets stomped by Swerve! Nick Wayne gets back body dropped on the floor now, too. Swerve looks for the Swerve Stomp on Christian but misses and gets speared! One, two, no! The referee now sees the interference and the rest of The Patriarchy get tossed, too! Knee to the face by Swerve and a Rolling Thunder Flatliner out of nowhere! Two count. Swerve utilizes the Gator Roll and takes Christian to the outside and suplexes him on the floor! Swerve sets up the steel steps on the outside now, before meeting Christian on the apron. Fireman’s carry by Swerve but Christian gets free, however, he still gets stomped from the apron! Swerve misses a charge and Christian catches him with the pendulum kick. Christian tries to superplex Swerve on to the steel steps but Swerve escapes and charges Christian, missing him, and eating the steps! Christian distracts the referee by grabbing the turnbuckle and Nick Wayne is back with Wayne’s World on the outside! Wayne rolls Swerve into the ring and right into the Unprettier! One, two, no! Nana is back and he chases Wayne away with a metal pipe. Christian heads to the Spanish Announcer’s Table, and he brings Swerve. Christian wants the Unprettier but Swerve gets free and STOMPS CHRISTIAN FROM A VERTICAL LEAP right on top of the announcer’s table… which doesn’t break! Both guys barely make it back to the ring by the ten count. Christian counters a JML Driver with a victory roll for two. Whiplash over the top rope by Christian. Christian hits the ropes but Swerve ducks, Swerve comes off the ropes himself, and both guys meet in the middle as Christian tries for a spear but Swerve catches him with a Housecall in mid-air! Swerve goes up top… Swerve Stop! Another Housecall! One, two, three!

Winner and STILL AEW World Heavyweight Champion: Swerve Strickland

Rating: ****. Lots of story, some chicanery, and some really good pro wrestling. Copeland and Christian doing what they’re doing at this point in their career is amazing. Swerve overcame all the obstacles and pulled out all the stops, and his title reign continues.

Match #9. Anarchy in the Arena: The Elite vs. Team AEW

Team AEW jumps The Elite during Jack Perry’s entrance, and here we go. Oh wait, Darby Allin isn’t here yet. Here he is, with an entrance. Darby Allin has a protective mask on his face and he can barely walk… amazing. Wait, Darby’s mask is covered in thumbtacks. Everyone is brawling and Matthew Jackson grabs the mic and demands they cut Darby’s music and play the Bucks music instead… okay, then. Danielson grabs the mic and says “turn this shit off!” Danielson grabs the mic and says “play the greatest theme song in the history of wrestling” and IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! This is insane already. Danielson dumps Okada into the front row as Dax and Jack Perry fight through the stands. Dax is actually with Matthew at the concession stands drinking beers. IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN as Darby Allin coffin drops off the balcony on to a bunch of people. Matthew takes the mic and begs them to stop playing Europe because it costs them too much money… hilarious and very true. Nicholas is beating on Cash on the announcer’s table as Okada European uppercuts Danielson in the front row. Running dive by Okada takes out Danielson into the crowd. Jack Perry and Darby have reached the parking lot, where there are some awfully large trailers. Wait, there’s an ice bucket and Darby tries to drown Perry. Perry finds a pipe and lays into the injured ribs and body of Darby. Inside the ring, Shatter Machine by the Young Bucks to a bloody Dax. Two count. Double enziguiri by accident to Okada from the Young Bucks. Danielson thought about a suicide dive but Okada held a chair up. Jack Perry might have just murdered Darby with a school bus but we can’t tell yet. The Bucks beat on Dax and Cash with chair inside the ring. Dax tosses Nicholas over the top and a spike piledriver to Matthew on the apron! Powerplex to Nicholas! Okada makes the save. Dropkick by Okada to Dax. Air Raid Crash neckbreaker by Okada. Elbow drop by Okada to Dax. RAINMAKER POSE but Okada gives the crowd the finger instead, but Cash bites it. Dropkick to Cash and a spinning tombstone. Darby somehow emerges through the back and zombies himself to the ring. Okada stomps on the broken ankle of Darby but Darby headbutts Okada in the stomach with the thumbtack face. Code Red to Okada! Two count. The Bucks pull Darby from the ring and powerbomb him through a bunch of chairs that are set up. The Bucks drag Darby to the ramp and say “raise it up”, opening up a part of the set, before tossing Darby down some elevator. Danielson fights his way to the ramp but gets tossed into the giant poker chips from the ramp. Spike Tombstone to Danielson on the huge poker chips! FTR have made their way to the ramp and Dax DDTs Matthew on the poker chip. Piledriver to Nicholas on the top of the ramp. Superkick party now and everyone is down. Cash finds a table and sets it up on the ramp. DDT by Okada to Cash on the ramp, as he gets set up on the table. Nicholas climbs up the entrance and swantons off, putting Cash through a table. Jack Perry is moseying through the arena and he found Tony Khan! Perry now drags Khan from Gorilla. Oh, here’s Darby with a flamethrower. DARBY SETS JACK ON FIRE. LIKE, DECENTLY ON FIRE, TOO. The Bucks grab some fire extinguishers and put him out. The Bucks drag Darby to the ring and rip his thumbtack mask off. Nicholas misses a 450 splash and lands on a garbage can. Matthew gets dumped to the outside but Okada is here, albeit missing the Rainmaker! Coffin Drop to Okada but the Bucks break up the pin. The Bucks throw a garbage can in the face of Darby and lower a cable from the ceiling. The Bucks are hogtying Darby but FTR are trying to fight them off. Brainbuster to Okada. Clothesline sends Nicholas to the outside. Shatter Machine to Matthew! Okada is back somehow and barely breaks it up. Dax looks for a piledriver but Matthew hits Dax in the head with a chair, actually, an exploding chair! Superkicks in the face to Cash. Okada puts a thumbtack arm sleeve on… Thumbtack Rainmaker to Cash! Okada pulls a shoe box from out from underneath the ring, and it’s the Bucks new shoes! Except, they have thumbtacks on the bottom a la Candice and Joey vs. The Bucks from PWG. Darby is now being strung from the ceiling, upside down, at about eye-level with The Bucks. Okada is holding Darby still, and The Bucks superkick his exposed face with the thumbtack shoes. Jeeeeeeeeez. Matthew accidentally superkicks Nicholas. Busaiku Knee to Okada! Matthew is alone with Danielson. Danielson has the shoe and beats everyone with it. YES kicks to both Bucks. Wrist clutch stomps to the face by Danielson. Chair assisted Busaiku knee to Nicholas but Okada somehow breaks up the pin. Rainmaker to Danielson! EVP Trigger to Danielson! Jack Perry is somehow back in the ring and as Danielson reaches up to save Darby, Jack Perry hits him with a Busaiku Knee. One, two, three.

Winners: The Elite

Rating: ****. I guess? I don’t even know. I’m rating this based on how much I enjoyed it’s ridiculousness, kind of like a b-rated horror movie. The spots were insane. Jack Perry just pinned Bryan Danielson. Darby died like four times. I don’t know what else to say, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I was expecting Hangman, though.

Final Thoughts: As usual… AEW delivers on PPV. MJF returning was a hell of a surprise, and that kicked off the show. Ospreay survived a big injury scare and delivered with Roddy, Swerve retained in an excellent match, and Copeland vs. Black is everything I wanted and more. Mercedes Mone’s first match in a year and she came up big time vs. Willow, who immediately moves on to Kris Statlander. Anarchy in the Arena was just… fun. Just an insane, entertaining, car crash main event. Nothing on this show was even close to bad and for a show that spanned over four and a half hours, it moved pretty darn fast. 8.75/10.

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