WWE King And Queen Of The Ring Results 5/25/24

WWE King And Queen Of The Ring Results 5/25/24
Jeddah Super Dome
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Corey Graves) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan For The WWE Women’s World Championship 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Morgan backs Becky into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. That leads us to a quick shoving contest. Standing Switch Exchange. Becky with a waist lock takedown. Morgan blocks The O’Connor Roll. Morgan decks Becky with a back elbow smash. Morgan with forearm shivers. Becky reverses out of the irish whip from Morgan. Becky drops Morgan with The Big Boot. Becky whips Morgan across the ring. Morgan drops down on the canvas. Becky with a shoulder tackle. Morgan regroups on the outside. Becky ducks a clothesline from Morgan. Becky with a straight right hand. Becky repeatedly slams Morgan’s head on the ring apron. Morgan punches Becky in the chest. Morgan slams Becky’s head on the apron. Morgan rolls Becky back into the ring. Becky with two uppercuts. Becky with a Spinning Back Kick. Morgan yanks Becky off the top turnbuckle. Morgan hooks both legs for a two count. Morgan repeatedly stomps on Becky’s chest. Becky side steps Morgan into the turnbuckles. Becky with a Springboard Sidekick. Morgan clotheslines Becky. Morgan applies a Sleeper Hold. Morgan dropkicks Becky for a two count.

Morgan kicks Becky in the ribs. Morgan backs Becky into the ropes. Morgan slaps Becky in the face. Morgan whips Becky across the ring. Becky kicks Morgan in the face. Becky with a Discus Back Elbow. Morgan dumps Becky face first on the top turnbuckle pad for a two count. Morgan applies a top wrist lock. Becky with a deep arm-drag. Becky ducks a clothesline from Morgan. Forearm Exchange. Becky reverses out of the irish whip from Morgan. Both ladies are knocked down after a double clothesline. Second Forearm Exchange. Becky with two clotheslines. Becky with a calf kick. Becky follows that with a flying forearm smash. Becky with The Exploder Suplex. Morgan heads to the outside. Becky with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Becky with a flying forearm off the apron. Becky rolls Morgan back into the ring. Morgan has Becky perched on the top turnbuckle. Becky and Morgan are trading back and forth shots. Becky shoves Morgan off the ropes.

Becky delivers The Missile Dropkick for a two count. Becky goes for The Dis-Arm-Her, but Morgan rolls her over for a two count. Morgan with another haymaker. Morgan hits The Springboard CodeBreaker for a two count. Becky side steps Morgan into the turnbuckles. Becky with a Reverse DDT for a two count. Becky dives over Morgan. Morgan with The Missile Dropkick off the middle rope for a two count. Morgan goes for The Oblivion, but Becky counters with The Reverse GTR for a two count. Morgan denies The Manhandle Slam. Rollup Exchange. Morgan with a Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. Morgan toys around with Becky. Morgan is throwing haymakers at Becky. Becky turns a Butterfly Suplex into a Cross-Arm-Breaker. Morgan rolls Becky over for a two count. Morgan applies The Rings Of Saturn. Becky responds with The Dis-Arm-Her. Becky gets distracted by Dominik Mysterio. Becky goes for The Manhandle Slam, but Morgan counters with The CodeBreaker for a two count. Morgan drags Becky to the corner. Morgan ascends to the top turnbuckle. Becky with The SuperPlex. Dominik slides a steel chair into the ring. Morgan nails Becky with a DDT on the chair. Morgan connects with The Oblivion to pickup the victory.

Winner: New WWE Women’s World Champion, Liv Morgan via Pinfall 

Second Match: Sami Zayn (c) vs. Chad Gable w/The Alpha Academy vs. Bronson Reed In A Triple Threat Match For The WWE Intercontinental Championship 

Zayn is throwing haymakers at Gable. Reed launches Zayn to the corner. Reed HeadButts Gable. Reed with a corner clothesline. Chop Exchange. Reed goes for a Press Slam, but Gable lands back on his feet. Gable retreats to the outside. Zayn with The Slingshot Pescado. Gable attacks Zayn from behind. Gable rolls Zayn back into the ring. Zayn slams Gable’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Zayn transitions into a corner mount. Zayn with a flying elbow strike. Reed clotheslines Zayn. Reed flexes his muscles. Zayn decks Reed with a back elbow smash. Reed with a Uranage Slam into Gable. Reed HeadButts Zayn. Zayn with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Zayn with a back elbow smash to Gable. Gable gets Zayn trapped in the ring skirt. Gable tees off on Zayn. Gable with The Missile Dropkick to Reed. Gable poses for the crowd.

Gable with a straight right hand. Gable talks smack to Zayn. Gable whips Zayn across the ring. Zayn sends Gable crashing to the outside. Zayn dumps Reed out of the ring. Zayn lands The SomerSault Plancha. Zayn rolls Reed back into the ring. Reed rocks Zayn with a forearm smash. Reed goes for The Avalanche Samoan Drop, but Zayn counters with The Sunset Flip PowerBomb for a two count. Reed blocks The Blue Thunder Bomb. Reed punches Zayn in the back. Reed puts Zayn on the top turnbuckle. Gable delivers a chop block to Reed. Gable goes for The SuperPlex, but Reed counters with The Tower Of Doom. Reed drags Zayn to the corner. Reed goes for The MoonSault, but Zayn ducks out of the way. Gable with a MoonSault of his own for a two count.

Reed hammers down on the back of Zayn’s neck. Zayn with three overhand chops. Zayn drops Reed with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Ankle Lock Exchange. Zayn ducks a clothesline from Reed. Zayn hits The Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Reed with a Double Body Avalanche. Reed with a Double Samoan Drop. Reed follows that with The Suicide Dive. Reed rolls Zayn back into the ring. Reed goes for The Tsunami, but Zayn ducks out of the way. Gable denies The Helluva Kick. German Suplex Party. Otis clotheslines Reed on the floor. Gable loves what he’s seeing. Gable dumps Zayn out of the ring. Gable tells Otis to hit Zayn. Otis won’t pull the trigger. Gable shoves Otis. Gable slaps Otis in the face. Gable tells Otis to wake up. Otis inadvertently clotheslines Gable. Zayn connects with The Helluva Kick to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE Intercontinental Champion, Sami Zayn via Pinfall 

– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Bianca BelAir and Jade Cargill. There’s no secret to why they work so well together. Bianca gave Candice LeRae a taste of her own medicine tonight. They’re giving out work to the rest of the women’s tag team division, so come apply.

Third Match: Nia Jax vs. Lyra Valkyria In The Finals Of The 2024 Queen Of The Ring Tournament 

Valkyria rolls under two clotheslines from Jax. Valkyria applies a side headlock. Jax sends Valkyria to the corner. Jax blocks The Crucifix Bomb. Jax goes for a Biel Throw, but Valkyria counters with a handstand escape. Jax blocks the drop toe hold. Jax goes for The Samoan Drop, but Valkyria counters with The Sleeper Hold. Jax backs Valkyria into the turnbuckles. Valkyria dumps Jax out of the ring. Valkyria with a Diving Dropkick through the ropes. Jax drives Valkyria back first into the ring apron. Jax rolls Valkyria back into the ring. Valkyria with a running dropkick. Valkyria with forearm shivers. Jax shoves Valkyria. Jax blocks The Tornado DDT. Valkyria reapplies The Sleeper Hold. Jax sends Valkyria back first into the canvas. Jax levels Valkyria with The Body Avalanche. Jax with a corner clothesline. Jax kicks Valkyria in the chest. Jax with a running elbow drop for a two count.

Jax whips Valkyria back first into the turnbuckles. Jax poses for the crowd. Jax is choking Valkyria with her boot. Valkyria attacks the midsection of Jax. Jax punches Valkyria in the back. Jax with a Running Powerslam into the turnbuckles. Jax gets Valkyria tied up in the tree of woe. Jax kicks Valkyria in the gut. Jax gets Valkyria tied up in the ropes. Jax applies The Cobra Clutch. Valkyria with a series of back elbow smashes. Jax flings Valkyria across the ring. Valkyria decks Jax with a JawBreaker. Valkyria delivers her combination offense. Valkyria with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Jax responds with The Samoan Drop for a two count. Jax goes for The Annihilator, but Valkyria ducks out of the way. Valkyria dropkicks Jax to the floor. Jax blocks The Baseball Slide Dropkick.

Valkyria drops Jax with a Bulldog on the floor. Valkyria rolls Jax back into the ring. Valkyria with The Missile Dropkick. Valkyria with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Valkyria dives over Jax. Valkyria starts favoring her right knee. Jax hits The Samoan Drop. Valkyria kicks out the legs of Jax. Valkyria with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Valkyria with The Guillotine Leg Drop for a two count. Jax denies The Night Wing. Jax sends Valkyria sternum first into the turnbuckles. Jax with another Body Avalanche. Jax gets Valkyria in position for The Avalanche Samoan Drop. Valkyria goes for The Sunset Flip PowerBomb, but Jax counters with The Annihilator to pickup the victory. After the match, Triple H gives Jax the crown. Jax doesn’t need anybody’s congratulations. Jax says that everybody in the WWE Universe will continue to be upset, because at SummerSlam, she’s going to become the WWE Women’s Champion.

Winner: Nia Jax via Pinfall 

– Becky Lynch tells Byron Saxton that she has a championship rematch clause in her contract, so she’s going to have a conversation with Adam Pearce, and this rematch will take place on Monday Night Raw.

– WWE Crown Jewel 2024 will take place on November 2nd.

Fourth Match: GUNTHER vs. Randy Orton In The Finals Of The 2024 King Of The Ring Tournament 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Gunther backs Orton into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Stalemate in the corner. Wrist Lock Exchange. Gunther backs Orton into the ropes. Orton applies a side headlock. Gunther whips Orton across the ring. Orton drops Gunther with a shoulder tackle. Orton with a side headlock takeover. Orton has a vice like grip of the hold. Gunther brings Orton to the corner. Gunther unloads three knife edge chops. Orton is pissed. Orton is throwing haymakers at Gunther. Uppercut Exchange. Orton kicks Gunther in the gut. Orton with an european uppercut. Orton with a straight right hand. Orton transitions into a corner mount. Gunther goes for a PowerBomb, but Orton blocks it. Gunther denies The RKO. Gunther is putting the boots to Orton. Gunther punches Orton in the back. Gunther with a forearm shot across the back of Orton. Orton answers with three haymakers. Gunther kicks Orton in the gut. Gunther with a blistering chop.

Gunther repeatedly stomps on Orton’s back. Gunther poses for the crowd. Gunther with clubbing blows to Orton’s back. Gunther applies a top wrist lock. Gunther transitions into a standing arm-bar. Gunther with aa toe kick. Gunther with a Pendulum BackBreaker for a two count. Gunther bodyslams Orton. Orton with a Counter Vertical Suplex. Gunther ducks a clothesline from Orton. Gunther with a forearm shiver across the back of Orton. Gunther with a knife edge chop. Orton answers with two clotheslines. Orton goes for a Powerslam, but Gunther holds onto the ropes. Gunther with a Running Lariat for a two count. Gunther applies a front face lock. Orton drives Gunther back first into the turnbuckles. Orton Powerslams Gunther. Orton hits The Draping DDT. Orton plays to the crowd. Gunther negates The RKO.

Gunther bodyslams Orton. Gunther with The Flying Splash for a two count. Gunther dives over Orton. Orton connects with The RKO. Gunther wisely exits the ring. Orton with Two Belly to Back Suplex’s onto the announce table. Orton resets the referee’s ten count. Gunther drives Orton back first into the ring apron. Gunther with a knife edge chop. Gunther goes for a PowerBomb, but Orton counters with a Back Body Drop on the floor. Orton delivers another Belly to Back Suplex onto the announce table. Orton rolls Gunther back into the ring. Gunther dropkicks the left knee of Orton. Gunther kicks the back of Orton’s left knee. Gunther with clubbing hamstring kicks. Gunther drops his weight on the left knee of Orton. Gunther applies the single leg crab. Orton uses his feet to create separation. Gunther reapplies the single leg crab. Orton repeatedly kicks Gunther in the chest. Orton hits The RKO for a two count. Gunther delivers a shot to the back of Orton’s left knee. Gunther plants Orton with The Rolling Crucifix to pickup the victory. After the match, Gunther tells Byron Saxton that The Apex Predator became prey for The Ring General. At SummerSlam, The Ring General will become the new World Heavyweight Champion.

Winner: GUNTHER via Pinfall 

– Triple H tells Kayla Braxton that Drew McIntyre is now medically cleared to compete. It’s now official, Damian Priest will put his WWE World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Drew McIntyre at WWE Clash At The Castle.

Fifth Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Logan Paul For The Undisputed WWE Championship 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Rhodes backs Paul into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Standing Switch Exchange. Rhodes backs Paul into the ropes. We have another clean break. Strong lockup. Wrist Lock Exchange. Paul with two leg sweeps. Rhodes scores the ankle pick. Paul scrambles towards the ropes to create separation. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Rhodes applies a side headlock. Paul transitions into a top wrist lock. Rhodes drop steps into a side headlock. Paul whips Rhodes across the ring. Paul drops down on the canvas. Paul leapfrogs over Rhodes. Paul blocks the drop-down uppercut. Quick shoving contest. Forearm/Uppercut Exchange. Rhodes with The Slingshot Gourdbuster. Rhodes poses for the crowd. Rhodes with a cravate pinning combination for a on count. Rhodes grabs a side headlock. Paul whips Rhodes across the ring. Rhodes ducks under two clotheslines from Paul. Rhodes goes for a Flying Crossbody Block, but Paul ducks out of the way. Paul pops back on his feet. Paul with The Slingshot Pescado.

Paul drives Rhodes ribs first into the steel ring steps. Paul talks smack to Michael Cole. Paul rolls Rhodes back into the ring. Paul with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Paul with The Reverse PowerBomb for a two count. Paul follows that with a GutWrench Suplex for a two count. Paul hammers down on Rhodes ribs. Paul with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Paul drags Rhodes to the corner. Paul ascends to the top turnbuckle. Rhodes and Paul are trading back and forth shots. Paul sends Rhodes back to the center of the ring. Rhodes with The Avalanche Arm-Drag. Rhodes unloads a flurry of left jabs. Paul drives his knee into the midsection of Rhodes. Paul applies The Octopus Stretch. Rhodes blocks The Sunset Flip. Rhodes with a downward punch. Rhodes launches Paul over the top rope. Rhodes with The Disaster Kick. Paul steps out of harm’s way. Rhodes repeatedly throws Paul into the ringside barricade. Paul punches Rhodes in the ribs. Rhodes clocks Paul with a PRIME Bottle. Rhodes attacks Paul’s entourage.

Paul’s manager gives him brass knuckles behind the referee’s back. Paul punches Rhodes ribs with the brass knucks. Paul starts arguing with Michael Cole. Rhodes lands The Suicide Dive. Rhodes repeatedly slams Paul’s head on the announce table. Rhodes rolls Paul back into the ring. Rhodes scores the forearm knockdown. Rhodes dives over Paul. Rhodes Powerslams Paul. Paul avoids The Disaster Kick. Rhodes with a series of left jabs. Rhodes delivers The Bionic Elbow for a two count. Rhodes applies The Figure Four Leg Lock. Paul grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Paul buries his shoulder into the midsection of Rhodes. Rhodes dodges The Buckshot Lariat. Rhodes hits The Cody Cutter for a two count. Rhodes attacks the midsection of Paul. Rhodes goes for The Vertebreaker, but Paul lands back on his feet. Paul with The CrossRhodes for a two count. Paul drags Rhodes to the corner. Rhodes avoids The Frog Splash.

Rhodes ducks a clothesline from Paul. Rhodes with The Twisting Vertical Suplex. Paul denies The CrossRhodes. Paul with clubbing shoulder blocks. Paul dumps Rhodes out of the ring. Paul slams Rhodes head on the Arabic announce table. Paul lays Rhodes flat on the English announce table. Paul resets the referee’s ten count. Rhodes denies The Pedigree. Rhodes with forearm shivers. Rhodes nails Paul with The Cody Cutter on the announce table. Rhodes prevents the referee from counting out Paul. Paul drives Rhodes ribs first into the ring steps. Paul delivers The One Lucky Punch. Paul lands The Frog Splash through the Arabic announce table. Paul rolls Rhodes back into the ring. Paul with another Frog Splash for a two count. Paul is completely shocked. Paul goes back to attacking the injured ribs of Rhodes. Rhodes side steps Paul into the turnbuckles. Paul whips Rhodes into the referee. Paul goes for The Stinger Splash, but Rhodes ducks out of the way. Rhodes with The Vertebreaker, but the referee is still laid out. Rhodes is trying to wake up the referee. Paul delivers the low blow. Paul puts on the brass knuckles. Paul gets distracted by Ibrahim Al Hajjaj. Rhodes negates The Titanium Punch. Rhodes connects with The Trinity of CrossRhodes to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still Undisputed WWE Champion, Cody Rhodes via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 414 of The Hoots Podcast 

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