AEW Collision Results 5/25/24

  • Bryan Danielson & FTR vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, & Satnam Singh
  • Claudio Castagnoli, Daniel Garcia, & A Mystery Partner vs. The Righteous & Lance Archer
  • Death Triangle vs. The Gunn Club

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AEW Collision 5/25/24

Live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada! Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary as Wild Thing hits, so that can only mean one thing.

Here’s Jon Moxley! Five years to the day he debuted in AEW, attacking Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega. Before Moxley can even grab a mic, here’s Don Callis. Callis shows us a video package, highlighting their history together. Callis says he and Moxley are more similar than Moxley realizes, and Callis doesn’t want Moxley to have to fight Takeshita tomorrow. Callis, instead, wants Moxley to join the Don Callis Family. Moxley has one question, and Callis tells him to name it. Before Moxley can, Takeshita blasts him in the back of the head with a Northern Lariat. Takeshita grabs a chair now and looks to break the arm of Moxley, coming off of the middle rope with a double stomp to Moxley’s arm that was trapped in the chair. Takeshita and Callis continue to stomp the chair and the arm until Claudio and Danielson make the save.

A video package of Will Ospreay, covered in his own blood, is shown. Ospreay isn’t worried about his own blood, bruv. Ospreay says it’s his life’s mission to take the International Championship from Roderick Strong.

Match #1. Claudio Castagnoli, Daniel Garcia, & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous

Wow! GO ACE. Vincent wails on Garcia in the corner but Garcia fights back with some right hands of his own. Garcia mounts Vincent and delivers some punches in the corner. Garcia grabs a headlock as Dutch comes in and Tanahashi grabs him… double swinging neckbreaker! Archer comes in and clears the ring, allowing Dutch to take control of Garcia with a short-arm clothesline. Garcia is isolated in the opposite corner as The Righteous make quick tags. Garcia pushes Vincent off but Archer clears the apron of Garcia’s partners. Garcia ducks under a clothesline and hits a Saito suplex to Vincent. Tanahashi and Archer are legal now as Tanahashi fires in some forearms, finally dropping the big man. Big cross body by Archer takes out Tanahashi. Archer tries to chokeslam Garcia to the floor but he snatches a guillotine choke and drags Archer to the floor. Big Swing by Claudio to Dutch! Deadlift vertical suplex by Claudio to Archer as Claudio tells Tanahashi to head up top for the High Fly Flow! Archer gets up and headbutts Tanahashi. Assisted Dudley Death Drop by The Righteous to Tanahashi. The fight spills to the outside as Claudio sends Dutch into the guardrail. Slingblade by Tanahashi to Vincent. Tanahashi goes up top… High Fly Flow! One, two, three!

Winners: Daniel Garcia, Claudio Castagnoli, & Hiroshi Tanahashi

Rating: **1/2. Listen, this was a nice surprise and the match was fine. No harm no foul here, and the fans absolutely loved it.

We get an EVP/The Elite propaganda video, vilifying anyone who stands in their way.

Match #2. Lucha Bros w/ Alex Abrahantes vs. The Gunn Club

If the Lucha Bros win, the trios match tomorrow is for the Bang Bang Gang’s titles. If not, than they are out of luck. NO FEAR. Superkicks. Dropkicks. The kitchen sink to start here. Lucha Bros look for a double superkick on the outside but The Gunn’s duck and they hit foot to foot. Running knee lift and a swinging neck breaker combo by The Gunn Club. Vertical suplex by Colten gets two. Double vertical suplex to Penta gets two. Gunn Club is in control as we go to a commercial break, until Penta elbows his way out of a fireman’s carry and plants Colten with a superkick. Austin cuts off Fenix on the apron but Penta sends The Gunn’s into each other and tags Fenix anyway. Double crossbody by Fenix. Tieres to Austin. Outside-in tieres by Penta off the top and a diving twisting splash by Fenix. Two count. Austin swipes Penta’s legs out of on the top rope. Punch to the back of the head by Austin and a Fameasser by Colten. Two count. The Gunns want 3:10 to Yuma but Fenix breaks it up and Colten eats a double superkick. Fear Factor by Penta with a stomp off the top assist by Fenix as Fenix takes out Colten on the outside. One, two, three!

Winners: Lucha Bros

Rating: **1/4. Great to have the Lucha Bros back and this was all just a set up so we can get to tomorrow night, as you could tell they left a lot of meat on the bone.

Jay White joins The Gunns on the apron and stares down The Death Triangle (as well as the sons of Penta and Fenix), who are in the ring.


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