Top 10 – Worst game trailers of all time

Nothing gets us more hyped for a game than a good trailer. When the music flows together with action on screen in just the right way. When the hero says something awesome that makes you laugh. Or when the graphics and gameplay completely blow you away. The trailers in this video … did none of that. Here the 10 worst game trailers in the history of gaming!
10. We Dare
When you think of the Nintendo Wii you don’t instantly think of sexy times. However The We Dare trailer by Ubisoft shows a bunch of adults doing sexy things to each other with the help of Wii Motes. This adult-oriented party video game involves kissing, striptease and spanking. The game’s YouTube trailer was quickly blocked from viewing by Ubisoft after negative public reactions. We can’t imagine why.
9. Hatred
The Hatred announcement trailer was criticized by some for its brutal portrayal of a mass-murderer delighting in the slaughter of innocents. Others saw it as an opportunity to reignite the old debate about freedom of speech. However we just think it’s lame and trying to shock people in the most obvious ways. Developer Destructive Creations loved all the negative press and made a killing when the game came out.
8. Project Natal Milo
O Peter Molyneux. While we love the guy he simply has been caught too many times making promises he couldn’t keep. The Project Natal Milo trailer is one of the worst examples. This trailer so misleading it’s almost criminal. Did he really think he was fooling anyone? There is zero a.i. involved, It’s just a play between the woman and a scripted virtual boy. They probably cancelled the game when they realized there was absolutely no way the Kinect could do any of these things. What a bunch of lies.
7. Lucent Heart Dating
Is this the worst game trailer ever made? What does it even mean? Truth be told, we don’t know. All we can be certain of is that the louder you turn up the music, the better it gets… No really this Lucent Heart Dating trailer has the most horrible music and dancing we’ve ever seen. How is this supposed to promote the game to its target audience? We can’t even begin to make any sense of it all.
6. Killzone 2
There are misleading trailers and then there is the Killzone 2 trailer. Sony showed this now-infamous trailer back at E3 in 2005, where the company claimed it was PlayStation 3 gameplay footage. Back then game critics wondered whether the extremely polished visuals were in-game graphics.
5. F.E.A.R. 3
Don’t get us wrong, we love a good live action trailer for a game. The problem is that you have to do them right as you are suddenly competing with expensive Hollywood movie trailers. The Fear 3 trailer only had the budget for a Jesus impersonator running around a building site with a rubber gun. The special effects are also laughable with loads of cheap looking flames and explosions. Stick with a gameplay trailer unless you’re willing to spend some serious money boys.
4. Solbrain Knight of Darkness
The Solbrain Knight of Darkness is one of the most low budget trailers ever released for the Playstation 4 platform. It uses the same glitchy footage multiple times which makes the game look like a running simulator.
3. The Mighty No. 9
The Mighty No. 9 had enough problems during its development so the last thing it needed was controversy around its launch trailer. However that’s exactly what happened. This Mighty No. 9 trailer is an abomination we easily rank among the very worst video game ads we’ve ever seen.
2. Champion Jockey
The poor soul who has to demo Champion Jockey in the trailer can barely contain his laugh. His thoughts seem to jump between what the hell did I get myself into and I sure hope my wife doesn’t see this. This Champion Jockey trailer is one of the most awkward things we’ve ever laid our eyes on. It sums up beautifully why motion control gaming sucks and why you shouldn’t do stuff for money on camera.
1. Wolf Quest
Wolf Quest is the worst video game trailer ever made for one of the worst games ever made. There’s literally not one activity here that looks the remotest bit fun. Joining a wolf pack should be awesome like in the movie The Hangover but here it just sucks. If you look very carefully, you can see the subtle looks on the faces of the not-very-good child actors they’ve roped in to pretend to enjoy it. They are clearly there against their will forced to play Wolf Quest untill they like it. I smell Elk!
What is worst game trailer you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments and please like the video and subscribe to the channel!
Music provided by Epidemic Sound.