Review: POG Video Game | NEthing Reviews

In which we review the modern version of a classic game from our childhood — it’s POG 2K14 for the Xbox One!


Sure, Pogs may seem like a bunch of boring cardboard discs. But boy, are they fun! The game is simple: Stack a bunch of Pogs, throw a plastic Slammer at said stack, and you win how ever many Pogs get flipped over. See? Incredible!

That’s why we’re so excited about this new video game version of the classic game, or as Elliott calls it, the “extremely difficult sport”.

The Xbox One’s immersive graphics take us right back to the schoolyard. You can almost feel that slight gust of wind when those Pogs start flyin’!

Plus the wide array of downloadable content means the fun will never stop. And hey, with an endless supply of digital cardboard discs, how could it?!

Treat yourself to our Dunkaroos review:

We’re Nick and Elliott Thing, a couple of brothers that love to review stuff!

From refreshing non-alcoholic beer, to crunchy Monster Munch, to the obsolete Microsoft Encarta CD-ROM encyclopedia, to tasty Green Tea Kit Kats, to Breathe Right Nasal Strips, to badass tongue tattoos, to sugary Fruit Gushers, to even more sugary Fun Dip, to a 1997 Honda Civic with a tape deck, to… well you get the idea. We review things!

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