“I’m Happy For That Guy, He Works Hard”

Jeff Jarrett thinks there needs to be more Adam Pearces in the world.

The AEW star and Director of Business Development spoke about the current General Manager for WWE Raw during the latest edition of his My World podcast. Aside from his praise Jarrett reveals that he had no idea that Pearce booked Ring of Honor back in the day, admitting to being stuck in his TNA bubble at the time.

What was cool for me, I don’t know history, I was obviously in the TNA bubble. I didn’t know Adam Pearce booked a Ring of Honor. I had no idea. So it went from Gabe [Sapolsky] to Adam, to Delirious… Adam is a guy…man, hard work pays off. Nose to the grindstone. Keeping on keeping on. He’s engaged, he’s a producer. I’m happy for that guy, he works hard. We need more Adam Pearces. It’s a business, we need more of those folks out there.

Pearce has been one of WWE’s standout performers and has received a ton of acclaim both on-screen and off for his work as a producer backstage. Meanwhile, Jarrett recently underwent minor surgery to have a molar removed. You can read about that here.

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