Chrome got rid of the downloads bar: here’s how to defy the cruel whims of Google and get it back

Even good UI changes are met with hostility from belligerent software users who liked things the way they were, so I won’t claim to know whether or not the choice to move Chrome’s downloads list from a bar at the bottom of the screen to a tray at the top right is good UX design or not. I’ll just meet it with hostility.

Until today, I was living in a dreamlike state of delusion over the loss of Chrome’s download bar. I tilted my head at its absence every time I downloaded something, but rather than believing that some cruel Silicon Valley fiend would really move my downloads from the place they’ve been since before I even started using Chrome—so, for decades—I shook it off, found the file in Explorer, and left the mystery for another day.

@garrynewman: Chrome moving the downloads to the top right has ruined my entire life

(Image credit: Garry Newman)

It wasn’t until I saw a tweet from Rust creator Garry Newman that I really comprehended the situation. “Chrome moving the downloads to the top right has ruined my entire life,” he wrote.

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