Lofi Girl’s vanishing act left music lovers panicking, but she returned with a new friend

Lofi Girl’s vanishing act left music lovers panicking, but she returned with a new friend

The Lofi Girl has supported me through countless study sessions and last-minute deadline crunches. Her chilled-out beats with her cat companion have become a staple of YouTube, but earlier this month she mysteriously disappeared. After sending lofi lovers into a frenzy for two days, we finally know why: Lofi Girl has a pal called Synthwave Boy.

April 10 saw an unusual change to Lofi Girl’s 24/7 stream, when she vanished without a trace. The only clues to go by were some teasers on Twitter and YouTube focusing on a blue window in the distance and a lofiworld.com web address. Discussions around what it could be were rife—was Lofi Girl shifting away from YouTube after all these years to a site of her own? Was it about to be an awful NFT shill? 

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