Dead Island 2 gameplay shows off bridezilla zombie, has the vibe of pro wrestling

Dead Island 2 gameplay shows off bridezilla zombie, has the vibe of pro wrestling

A new video of Dead Island 2 (opens in new tab) shows off about 15 minutes of gameplay, highlighting the absolutely over-the-top gorefest (opens in new tab) that is its ranged and melee combat. It’s full of campy-to-annoying dialogue and cheap laughs, but they’re still effective. Honest to God more than anything it reminds me of the absolutely absurd tone of modern American Professional Wrestling.

The trailer follows “slayer” character Dani through an upscale LA neighborhood as she bashes, stabs, shoots, and otherwise splatters zombies while cracking a bunch of cheesy and/or annoying quips. (Sounds like something else we saw recently (opens in new tab).) Again, though, the approach to atmospheric violence, outrageous fighting, and campy dialogue more than anything reminds me of the absolute silliness that is wrestling.

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